Sound Plugs SPU2ghz Releases 1.0 - 模擬器

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2007-12-26T10:52

Table of Contents

It has been more than 4 years since I started this plugin. Back then pcsx2
didn't have any sound plugin except for spu2null. I remember getting into the
pcsx2 IRC channel (#pcsx2 on efnet) and asking for help to make a sound
plugin. One of the pcsx2 developers kindly gave me some documents and wished
me luck, and I promised I would do my best.

After some days, or weeks, I had enough registers implemented that the bios
would start to play sounds. It was a revolution. First sounds ever to come
from pcsx2!!

Too bad the sounds were completely wrong, as I had misunderstood the ADPCM
algorithm. I kept working on it after that, but not regularly at all: I can
spend a few days working on something, but once I'm stuck debugging for too
long, I get bored.

After me, there were a few other attempts at doing spu2 pugins. One of them,
ps2sp, was a bit more successful than mine. These attempts caught pete's
attention, so he decided to hack up a spu2 plugin too.

For some time, pete's plugin has been the best choice to many, and recently
Zerofrog, annoyed by the relatively bad results of our plugins, also decided
to code his own.

With so much competition, it has been hard for me to get my plugin to have
acceptable results, and even if I'm releasing, it still fails to compare with
zero's in most games. But on the other side, my plugin has always been coded
with compatibility in mind, so even if it's few, there's some games where it
gives better results.

I want to make clear there's some known problems with the plugin:
If the game runs slow, the plugin will be all loopy. This is the expected
result given the way I coded it. I might improve the output system someday if
I get better ideas.
Some games seem to have "clicks" and noises while playing music, videos and
speech. I'm clueless as what coudl cause it.
Some games seem to have robotized sound. I don't know why yet, but I will
look at it if I get reports of games doing it.
Some games don't like to work with the plugin. I'm specially interested in
knowing about them, so I can fix the problem(s).
Some people seem to get problems with audio output. Make sure you are using
FMOD, and your sound card supports 48000hz output correctly.
When the emulator crashes, there's some chances that the ASIO output plugin
will not have the chance to shut itself down. In those cases it will leave
the device used, and a reboot is required in order to "unlock" it.

Note: The plugin requires fmod.dll to work, even if you are not using fmod as
the output system. I have attached it for convenience. Extract it to the
folder where you have pcsx2.exe, or to system32(syswow64 in xp64/vista64).


All Comments

關於pSX V1.13

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-12-25T19:27
※ 引述《ericantion (遊客)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《doomx (天無二日 民無二主)》之銘言: : 看到這篇我也去弄一個psx 1.13來玩看看 : 感覺跟vgs蠻像的 不用選plugin : 不知道遊戲支援度如何? : 這裡遇到一個問題 : 視窗遊戲的時候速度正常 : 全螢幕的時候就變加速狀 ...

Task Force Harrier

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2007-12-25T17:18
遊戲 :Task Force Harrier 平台 :大型電玩 預覽圖: 檔案 : ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2007-12-25T15:38
心中突然多跳了二下… 我偷玩被發現了嗎… 哇哈哈… 邊上班邊偷玩只敢開靜音呀…XD -- ◢▲▁▂▁ ◣ ╭─────────╮ ╗ ╭╯╮ ▁▂Υ▂▁ _☆_══╦═ ◥◤◥▆ ▉ │你的大腦一天只要 │ ╯╭╯☆╰╮ ▍ 。▍ ╴ ═╦╩╮ ▊▂ ▂◣▏▎ ...

no$gba 要怎麼使用金手指

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2007-12-25T10:26
如題。 想要打金手指,卻不知道如何加。 請高手教一下。 謝謝。 -- 有錢千里來相會,無錢對面手難牽。 - ...

Ootake 1.31

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2007-12-25T09:48 - The DMA reading processing part of CD-ROM was brought close to the movement of a r ...