(SNES) no$sns v1.5 - 模擬器

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2013-07-31T23:57

Table of Contents



no$sns is a nocash SNES/SFC emulator/debugger for windows.


no$sns Features

- The program is 100% assembler code. Accuracy should be quite high
(if not: bug are reports welcome).
- Controllers: 1-2 Joypads, Mouse, Lightguns (via mouse), NTT Data Pad,
X-Band Keyboard
- Coprocessors: SA-1 (in v1.1), GSU (in v1.1), DSP, ST010/11, CX4, OBC1,
S-DD1, SPC7110, S-RTC, RTC-4513
- Add-ons: Satellaview, Turbofile (TFII and STF)
- Debugger: Assembler, Disassembler, Xboo-Upload Function (for testing
code on real SNES).
- Requirements: Win95 and up, around 8MB RAM, around 200MHz
- (on 1GHz computers, most games can run 5-10 times faster as on real

no$sns v1.5 Changelog:

* help: added note on starting multiple hdma's midframe in different scanlines
* bugfix: mirror SRAM from 700000h to F00000h, but NOT to F08000h (thanks
* midframe hdma: init "snes_hdma_not_pause_flgs" during vblank (super ghouls)
* help: cleaned up memory/dma chapters, added basic LoROM/HiROM mapping
* emu: added support for rare LoROM games with more than 32K SRAM (eg.
* help: added cx4 pinouts (thanks qwertymodo) and cx4 memory map (thanks byuu)
* commandline: looks in current directory before 'slot' directory (for
* video/zoom: fullscreen option (toggle via context menu; by right mouse
* video/zoom: software: supports odd ratios, mmx-based horizontal
* video/zoom: opengl: SwapBuffers, SubImage2d, DblBuffer, PixFmtScoring,
* gui: created own help engine (instead of microcrap's suicidal windows .hlp)
* game window: displays current zoom factor in caption (during sizing)
* game window: optionally square pixels, or real PAL/NTSC pixel aspect ratios
* game window: allows free sizing (with snapping near N*100% zoom factors)
* sfcbox: removed dummy OSD font (real SFC-Box character set is dumped now)
* controls: divides snes-mouse resolution by game-window-zoom-factor
* icon: simplified snes button/logo icon, at 12x12,16x16,32x32,48x48 pix sizes
* help/emu: sfcbox: added io-port-mirrors and values for unknown/unused
* help/emu: sfcbox: osd character zoom, osd background/outline styles
* help/emu: sfcbox: cpu hd64180 traps (most) invalid hd64180 opcodes
* help/emu: gsu mirrors/openbus, gsu multiply speed, r15+irq on stop opcode
* a22i: added argonaut gsu assembler (via .argonaut and .native/.nocash
* emu: avoids break on nested event-handling within hdma (for buggy kof2000)
* cartloader: clips corrupt sram/xram/flash header values to reasonable sizes
* cartloader: fixed crash upon missing cx4 bios (thanks epguy35 for bugreport)
* help: added GSU-1 and GSU-2 pinouts (based on GSU schematics drawn by magno)
* help: added pinouts for SA-1 chip, BSX-FLASH connector, partial BSX-EXT port
* help: added MAD-R logic table+more MAD-1 details (thanks SkinnyV for
* help/emu: added some new nss details (vsync, mirrored/unused bits)
* help: added some new xband keyboard details (thanks to Benjamin Eriksson)
* help/emu: added copy-protected bootlegs (bitswap, constant, and
* help/emu: added super20hab (korean multicart with 20 small nes-port games)






All Comments

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-08-02T13:25
作者越缺錢 開發平台越多

鬥人魔境傳 海格力斯的榮光4(雷)

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2013-07-31T16:13
就我個人玩完3、4跟DS的魂之證明的感想的話 劇情 3andgt;魂之證明andgt;4 遊戲性 4andgt;魂之證明andgt;3 流暢度 4andgt;3andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;andgt;魂之證明 魂之證明到後來一隻 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2013-07-31T13:29
※ 引述《spiritstorm (andlt;andlt;Per-Aspera Ad-Astraandgt;andgt;)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《cliff02468 (資深反指標)》之銘言: : : 檔案是網路上載來漢化過的版本 : : 試過ppssppv-0.8.1-546跟jpcsp-r3303兩個 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2013-07-30T22:55
接下來這幾篇因為要稍微調整一下進度,讓後面分歧比較好寫,所以長度可能會怪怪的。 不過說真的,前面幾篇真的篇幅長了很多哪…… ……這樣回頭一看,當年復活邪神2那種篇幅到底是怎麼寫出來的XDDD ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【人物關係】 ...

MEKA v0.80 Alpha 2013.07.25

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2013-07-30T22:23
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在 linux 上頭用 PPSSPP

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2013-07-30T16:59
是這樣的 我因為最近換新電腦想說順便換作業系統 所以就從 Windows 跳到了 Linux 目前使用的是 Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon ==以上前情提要== 現在問題是出在說 PPSSPP 可以正常編譯完 但是 Maiand#39;s Atrac3+ 這個 Codec 不知道要如 ...