SharpBoy v0.3 - 模擬器

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-05-12T12:23

Table of Contents

SharpBoy v0.3 is released. SharpBoy is a new Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy
Color emulator for windows by xdaniel written in C# using SlimDX.

SharpBoy v0.3 Changelog:
- Switched rendering from using SlimDX to OpenTK, SlimDX Runtimes no longer
needed; video filtering now selectable
- GBC DMA copy operations improved, fixes certain DMA transfers spanning
different areas of memory
- Improved support for "undocumented" I/O registers, Demotronic Demo no
longer detects the emulator and now runs with some glitches
- Above change, coupled with improved graphics emulation, also fixed
colorization of monochrome games via the CGB bootstrap ROM
- Preliminary MBC emulation for Pocket Camera / Game Boy Camera; no actual
camera support
- Frame skipping and speed-up functionality implemented
- ROMs can now be loaded from ZIP archives (using the DotNetZip library);
recent ROM history added to menu


All Comments


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2011-05-12T09:28
作業系統是xp sp3 原本的電腦都可以正常開啟, 但最近換一台主機之後,將模擬器原原本本從 原電腦硬碟→隨身硬碟→現電腦硬碟原資料夾移過去之後, NO$Zoomer在一開始選完模擬器之後跑個兩三秒就停止了, 沒有彈出選rom的視窗也沒有遊戲視窗。 有試過 1.跑去重灌過的舊電腦開→也變得無法開啟。 2.重 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-05-12T01:33
是橫向捲軸的動作,應該算是充滿未來感 主角穿著白色的鎧甲,有點類似機器戰警 不確定是本來就有,還是要吃滿什麼能量才會變身 主要的武器是光束劍,有不同顏色 忘記是越練越強還是隨著關卡會變強 好像有橘色跟綠色? 可能有副武器 有一個場景背景是瀑布 用了副武器,整個畫面會閃,然後瀑布會垮掉,好像會到新的世界 ...

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