RomVault v1.6.5 - 模擬器

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-05-11T23:26

Table of Contents

RomVault v1.6.5 is released. RomVault is a new rom management tool. RomVault
should be seen as an alternative to clrmame pro with some nice and new
features that could make it perfect for managing large numbers of dats /
collections using less time (one scan vs N dats a time instead of one scan
for each dat) and giving you a nice easy to use GUI.

RomVault v1.6.4 Changelog:

There was a bug in 1.6.4 that was giving a "Can not create a file when that
file already exist" error when moving files out to the ToSort directory.
I have fixed this bug in 1.6.5

新 銀のさら CM


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