(SFC) Snes9x v1.56 - 模擬器

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2018-06-08T10:48

Table of Contents


Snes9x changelog:

Small hot-fix release. See release notes for 1.56.

- Automatic input rate now only works for close multiples (BearOso)
of 60Hz.

- Win32: Cheats are now shown in the correct order in the (BearOso)
list view.

- GTK+: Check for version greater than 3.22 when using GTK+ (BearOso)

- GTK+: Don't resize code and description field in GTK+ 2. (BearOso)


Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES
and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your PC or Workstation; which
includes some real gems that were only ever released in Japan. Snes9x is the
result of well over three years worth of part-time hacking, coding, recoding,
debugging, divorce, etc. (just kidding about the divorce bit). Snes9x is
coded in C++, with three assembler CPU emulation cores on the i386 Linux and
Windows ports.

Snes9x changelog:

- Increased the speed of SA1 emulation to match hardware (BearOso)
more closely.
- Fixed negative SA1 division (BearOso, Jonas Quinn)
- Changed the location where we poll input to potentially (Brunnis, BearOso)
reduce lag.
- Fixed the interlace fields being swapped after skipping (BearOso)
- More updates for BS-X support. (LuigiBlood)
- Updated xBRZ to version 1.6. (zenju, OV2)
- Added a DMA timing hack for rpgone's Koryu no Mimi (OV2)
- Updated HDMA to not update indirect addresses until after (BearOso)
transfers are completed.
- Improved cheats support. This stores cheats in a human- (BearOso, OV2)
readable and editable format as gamename.cht. Cheats are
converted from the old format on load. They can be added
in many different formats, but they will convert to the
simple address=condition?byte format.
Also, now included is mightymo's cheat database, and the
ability to match a game and automatically load cheats
from it.
- Don't reset a pending NMI on vblank end. Fixes Super (furrykef)
- Redo NMI timing. Fixes Secret of Evermore (PAL). (BearOso)
- Test for transparency before dithering on SuperFX. This (RedGuy(yyy))
fixes some graphical artifacts in Star Fox.
- Change some of the SDD1 guesswork mapping. Fixes a Tales (BearOso)
of Phantasia hack.
- Return PPU1 MDR for reads of $2137 instead of CPU MDR. (BearOso)
Fixes Mario's Time Machine graphical glitch.
- Memset less memory for sprite calculations. (Nebuleon)
- Don't spuriously update register 14 when running SuperFX. (BearOso)
Fixes graphical glitches in Doom.
- Added a SuperFX clock modifier variable. (BearOso)
- Write CPU MDR during some DMA and HDMA transfers. Fixes (BearOso)
Speedy Gonzales and Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler.
- Calculate next IRQ time in advance instead of continously (BearOso, OV2)
checking for it.
- Added some IRQ timing quirks. Fixes at least Marko's (BearOso, OV2)
Magic Football.
- Fixed wrong tile selection in offset-per-tile mode. (BearOso)
- Advance the VRAM pointer even if VRAM writes at the time (kps501)
are invalid.
- Return 0x80 instead of 0xff in DSP1 simulation. Fixes (kps501)
Powerfest '94 Mario Kart.
- Initialize controllers on reset. Fixes Looney Tunes (kps501)
B-Ball multitap.
- Attached APU instruction tracer and made some additions (BearOso)
to debugging output.
- Fix line doubling in interlaced mode. (kps501)
- Added support for M.A.C.S. rifle peripheral. (kps501)
- Fixed a bug where the MSU1 channels were reversed. (qwertymodo)
- Win32: Added dynamic rate control support for XAudio2 (OV2)
- Win32: Added different volume level configuration for (OV2)
regular and turbo speed.
- Win32: Added option to disable EPX scaling for messages (OV2)
- Win32: Improve multi-rom loading. (OV2)
- Win32: Add libpng and zlib dependencies as submodules for (qwertymodo, OV2)
easier compiling from source.
- Win32: Fixed icon registration. (OV2)
- Win32: Better support for running while unfocused. (OV2)
- Win32: Changed icon. (BearOso)
- Win32: Report hidpi support. (BearOso)
- Win32: Added mute hotkey and hotkeys for saving/loading (OV2)
from file.
- Win32: Disabled hotplugging in favor of a menu option to (OV2)
reconfigure joysticks.
- Win32: Added a reduce input lag option. (BearOso)
- Win32: Added ability to use GLSLP shaders with OpenGL, (OV2)
including a dialog to tweak custom parameters.
- GTK+: Added dynamic rate control support for audio to (BearOso)
reduce buffer overflows and underflows.
- GTK+: Increased SDL requirement to version 2.0. This (BearOso)
improves joystick compatibility.
- GTK+: Improved GTK+ 3.0 support and made it the default. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Added ability to start from a snapshot on the (julien2512)
command line.
- GTK+: Added automatic input rate handling. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Use 16-bit 5-6-5 pixel format for better colors. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Now disables the compositor in fullscreen mode. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Changed icon. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Require libepoxy for OpenGL support. (BearOso)
- GTK+: Add full compatibility with GLSLP shaders, with a (BearOso)
parameters dialog to configure them.
- Unix: Add xinerama support and window position hints. (Francesco149)





All Comments

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2018-06-12T08:51
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2018-06-16T19:38
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2018-06-17T21:01
照慣例小版本很快又有了 1.56.1

Gaming Historian-2018/6/5

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2018-06-07T21:00
*[1;37m推 *[33mpoweryeh*[m*[33m: 大陸那位卡姐蠻厲害的 翻好多電玩相關影片 速度 超 你提到這個人我還不知道 特地去搜了一下 還真的翻了不少 更重要的是他翻的幾乎都是我還沒翻的影片 這樣就不用一直重複翻了...這就叫....如釋重負嗎XD https://space.bilib ...

bluestacks 3N WASD鍵盤設置問題

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2018-06-06T22:26
我用bluestacks 3N 玩傳說對決時 設定好WASD虛擬鍵盤 也保存了 但每次關掉BS重開後 設定就會恢復初始化 爬文+GOOGLE都沒有看到相關的資訊 請問有可能發生的原因嗎? 謝謝 - ...

Gaming Historian-2018/6/5

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2018-06-05T19:51
我把目前手頭上翻好的GH全放出來 感謝J大花時間幫我審核 歡迎收看 星戰火狐特集 https://youtu.be/vzfVENbKKuU https://youtu.be/TFY_669XMmw https://youtu.be/0tYnT2HFbzw https://youtu.be/j3zBckbEj ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2018-06-05T19:42
※ 引述《mlev (大地彩妝果園)》之銘言: : 月光寶盒有人光明正大賣 : 那可以把ROM和模擬器光明正大的賣嗎? 要分開來看 rom(含bios或其他版權物)一定違法,這大家都知道atat 月光寶盒如果不含版權物就不違法,包了東西去賣當然違法,問題在於要不要抓 裝置或介面使用了版權物的圖像也會違法, ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-06-05T17:17
月光寶盒有人光明正大賣 那可以把ROM和模擬器光明正大的賣嗎? - ...