SDLMESS v0.130 - 模擬器

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-04-01T12:38

Table of Contents

The latest version is 0.130. This fully-packaged version is deprecated due to
the fast-moving nature of MESS development, but I’ll update it on integer
MESS releases. New in this version: all the stuff from SDLMAME 0.130 and MESS

Note that the SDLMESS components are an official part of the MESS Subversion
repository and the checked-in version there is kept up to date, so that’s
the recommended way to get SDLMESS while saving some bandwidth.


All Comments

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-04-04T08:20
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2009-04-06T02:09

(SNES) Snes9X v1.43 re-recording r60

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-03-31T23:05
- r56 fixing a bunch of warnings, turning up the Release mode optimization level, and adding a vcproj.user file to make Lua script relo ...

(SNES) Snes9X v1.51 re-recording r45

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2009-03-31T22:58
- r42 fixing a bunch of warnings, turning up the Release mode optimization level, and adding a vcproj.user file to make Lua script reload ...

(Multi Arcade) FBA shuffle v0.2.97.04 (090331)

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2009-03-31T22:49
31.03.2009 - updated PGM driver, made olds, olds100 and kovsh working. [XingXing] (Thanks to iq_132 for port this driver) - fixed kovsh d ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2009-03-31T21:21
補充數點: 一、各章關卡走向除第一章單一向外,其餘有叉路能選,所以會略有出入,需注意 一下該關卡標題。 二、確定有版本差異。如果是和我一樣,玩繁中 1.4版的話,第二章一開始,根據 地旁會多兩隻地精L13KNOCK,日版以及巴哈arnium板友的版本沒有的樣子;仲 魔的等級也有微小 ...

MD魔導物語 日文苦手

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-03-31T21:13
MD的魔導物語 不知道有沒有版友把全部40個問題全部解出來的 我在巴哈姆特找到了攻略 網址見: 照著攻略解了38個問題 但我真的看不懂日文 有些東西白紙黑字加上旁邊翻譯機還是搞不懂它要我幹嘛 靠著 ...