ROMVault 2.1 - 模擬器

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2013-12-20T22:37

Table of Contents

Merry Chirstmas

After a lot of work and testing over the last few months I have decided it is
time to release 2.1 of ROMVault.
The big new feature of 2.1 is CHD file support. You will need to have
chdman.exe in the same directory as RomVault21.exe for the full CHD support
to work.
But there have been many more smaller fixes and improvements made, such as
continuing to scan passed locked files. (Files locked by other applications
accessing them.)
There is also improvements made to the ZIP reading code, that should be
compatible with a few more rare zip formats.

What is NOT yet in ROMVault 2.1 is 7Z support, I started adding 7Z support
and got a long way into it, but then started running into problems with the
way the fixing core was working with 7Z. So for now the 7Z code is not in
this release,
I instead worked a lot on trying to get the exisiting code as stable as I

So before I get into another big development cycle to rework the core for 7Z
I wanted to get a release out now as I belive it is a lot better than the
current 2.0.10 code.
There are a couple of strange crashes I see once in a while, and so this
version has some improved error logging so I hope to get these tracked down

A few other notes:
The cache file has changed in this release, so your old cache files will not
work!! You will have to re-scan all of your files with this release!!
ROMVault 2.1 will make a new cache file called: RomVault2_7.Cache (This is
actually my internal version 7 of this cache file, so that explains the 2_7)

If ROMVault does crash is does send me a log of the crash report, this has
helped me track down many bugs in the past, this is also why I ask you to
enter your name and email before using ROMVault for the first time.
This way I can contact you back to try and find out more details about
crashes I see.


All Comments

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2013-12-21T07:39
我喜歡用這套 終於更新了
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2013-12-22T20:05
我也是用這套整理 rom 真的不錯用~~~


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2013-12-20T20:49
看到巴哈站聚的消息 勾起我好多回憶啊... 我好多年沒參加巴哈站聚了 不知板上有沒有 喜歡Armored Core(機戰傭兵)系列遊戲的人呢? 還記得在2002年時 巴哈姆特上的機戰傭兵討論板(BBS的)成立 上面聚集了很多喜歡AC系列的同好 之後開始每週日會聚集在地下街某電玩店前舉行AC對戰交流會 玩的 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2013-12-20T16:51
原文恕刪 剛剛看了一下EDGE大大所寫的2011巴哈15週年心得 裡面有寫到我耶~~ 到場時認出在場的一位攤友是錄製熱血足球影片的wenen大大, 待我拿出紅白機熱血足球日版卡帶,看著他專注在遊戲裡欣喜 的表情也讓我很開心。可惜自己還在測試安裝器材而未能親見 他的高段玩法演出。 回正題 ...


William avatar
By William
at 2013-12-20T12:33
因為我每天都會逛的、文章質量最多最好、全台灣最多懷舊遊戲玩家聚集的, 批踢踢《Emulator》模擬器版跟《Old-Games》老遊戲版,多年來都不曾辦過版聚, 所以我們只好自己弄了…XD(無誤) 今年依照以往慣例,攤位上提供:FC/任天堂紅白機、 SEGA MD/Megadrive、SFC/超級任天堂, ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2013-12-20T05:07
推 rockmanx52:抱歉 快打三是這本雜誌四年後的作品XD (1997上市)12/17 14:11 這裡要繼續聊一下 雖然我猜博優當年廣告寫的快打旋風3應該是亂寫 (不過最有可能的是指16人快打) 不過如果以大陸的說法 快打旋風3 的確是出在SFC上的 因為大陸 快打旋風=final fight ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-12-20T03:00
想請問台灣是否有店家販售這款超任款的usb手把 我找了好陣子都沒有找到 幸好最近友人要去日本東京旅遊 願意替我帶些東西回來 想請問若以池袋一帶 在哪些店家可以找 ...