RomCenter v3.56 - 模擬器

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-04-20T13:09

Table of Contents

RomCenter v3.56 is released.RomCenter is an application written for 32-bit
Windows operating systems, designed to help you maintain and organize your
emulators roms collection for various gaming systems including computers,
consoles, arcade, calculators and handheld. You can add additional systems
through external datafiles available on a lot of sites.

RomCenter can audit your games and report which are working or not. It can
fix problems such as bad name, missing roms available elsewhere, and clean
your set by removing useless or bad roms and files.

RomCenter v3.56 Changelog:
- Fix sample folder combo problems in rom mode parameters
- Fix some English translations
- Fix chd file not in sync with db after moving
- Fix chd as file not moved to fo


All Comments


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2011-04-19T18:39
請問各位 一款大約十五年前的大型電玩遊戲的名字或圖片 內容是操控機器人對戰 跟吞食天地一樣的2D橫向捲軸過關遊戲 武器是光劍 鑽頭 夾子 雷電手等等 每個武器都有特殊攻擊 光劍是集氣大刀砍 鑽頭是發射飛彈 雷電手可以放大的雷電球 夾子忘了=_= 希望鄉民們提供線索 謝謝 -- ...

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