MameXM v1.04.188 - 模擬器

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-04-19T17:06

Table of Contents

MameXM v1.04.188 is released. MameXM is a port of MAME (Multiple Arcade
Machine Emulator) for Symbian S60v5 OS. This emulator can run over 2000 games
of 'golden' arcade era ('80 and '90) and NeoGeo games too. MameXM is
freeware, released to public domain.

Mame porting to Nokia 5800 XpressMusic and Symbian phones

V.1.04 released (April 2011) : Symbian^3 (N8) support

1.04.188 -- released by AMZ - 2011 - Apr. 18

- (!) Symbian^3 comaptibility options

1.03.182 -- released by AMZ - 2010 - Mar. 11

- (!) Full mame 037b7 integration
Now you can correctly use
Now all 2337 mame 0.37b7 games are supported
Note that previous MameXM versions contain only a subset of MAME 0.37b7

- (!) Selectable Virtual keyboard skin
Now you can choose one of 5 different keyboard layouts
3 layouts with 8 directional virtual keys
1 layout with 4 directional virtual keys
1 layout with 2 directional virtual keys
Look at the 'Virtual Keyboard Layout' game option number 4.

- Changed directory structure
NOTICE : The directory structure is totally changed from mame 1.02 so,
If you have roms in c:mameroms or e:mameroms you must move them!

When MameXM starts it will create all needed directories in C: and E:

* * *

The main directory is now


Note that this directory is visible from the PC connecting the (even
unhacked) phone in nokia pc suite mode.
So you can easily access all MameXM configuration files.
This directory is accessible with Nokia File Manager too.

The subdirectories are :

Cheats : put here Cheat.dat file
Data : contains Mame game configuration files, and all other mame files
Hi : contains Mame game highscores files
Roms : contains game roms zipped
Samples : contains game roms samples zipped
Screenshots : contains png files of game screenshots

* * *

The secondary directory is now


The subdirectories are :

Roms : contains game roms zipped (alternative roms location)
Samples : contains game roms samples zipped (alternative samples location)

- Improved mamexm stability

- Improved memory management and resource cleaning

- Media keys mapping (but still not so usable due problems in mapping)

- Added an option to help debugging the non-nokia keys mapping.


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