Rom Collection Browser v0.8.7 - 模擬器

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-06-04T20:33

Table of Contents

Rom Collection Browser v0.8.7 is released. Rom Collection Browser is xbmc
script for browsing and launching emulator roms.

Current features:
* configure script behaviour and pathes to your rom collections via xml file
* simple but configurable description file parser: can read and import
different description file formats (only simple multiline text files atm)
* filter your games by console, genre, release year and publisher
* view different images per game, a short game plot, additional game
properties and videos
* provides three different views of the main window (Info, Info 2, Thumbs)
and one Game Details page
* launch roms with an external emulator
* support for multi rom games (typical amiga scenario)
* launch emulator in solo mode (Windows and Linux): quits XBMC before the
emulator is launched and returns to XBMC when you quit the emulator,
automatically returns to Rom Collection Browser via and restores
your last view state (selected filter settings and last selected control).
* configurable image placing: you can configure the file types that are shown
in the different image controls
* dynamic image types: you can define your own image types (e.g. ingame
screenshots, title screenshots, ...) and use this categories to configure
image placing

* complete "Edit Rom Collection" dialog: access all settings via UI
* new dialog: "Edit Offline Scrapers"
* new option: "Delete Rom Collection"
* new option: "Clean database"
* support direct launching of savestates
* moved useEmuSolo from Addon settings to Rom Collection properties
* new context menu option: Edit Game Command
* new placholders in launchEmu: %ROMFILE%, %ROMNAME%, %GAME%, %ASKNUM%,
* check for multi rom games in zip files before launching
* code cleanup, little bug fixes, better error handling, ...


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By Faithe
at 2011-06-04T01:44 最近在玩DC的模擬,但是之前沒碰過會一些名詞不了解 上網找到上面那篇文章。 上面的文章有清楚的基本介紹,大意如下 DC的光碟和一般的不同,dump出來的檔案格式是gdi 只能用在模擬器,而實機要用的是cdi格式 ...