Rin Gameboy Emulator 1.1 (for Android) - 模擬器

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2012-09-03T11:16

Table of Contents


Version 1.1:
Note: Location for srams has changed, they are now saved in the corresponding
rom folder along with the rest of the stuff. The app should take care of
automoving stuff, but if you encounter problem you might have to look into it

*zip support: Note for this to work there needs to be a rom file in the root
folder of the zip.
*smaller size (about 100 kB)
*only display relevant menu items
*menu in the filebrowser
*various bug fixes


All Comments

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2012-09-07T00:46
純gb我推薦John GBC Lite,一樣不用錢而且很好用


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2012-09-03T02:48
小時候,永有紅白機時,自己也是個棒球迷 當時有兩個系列都蠻紅的(印象中),一個是文中提的and#34;立體棒球and#34; 印象中畫面下方是投手,上方是打者? 另一個系列叫and#34;職業棒球and#34;, 畫面下方是打者,上方是投手 因為經濟因素,我只玩過一代,一代很像有10個日本隊伍 ...

天誅- 立體忍者活劇

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2012-09-03T00:58
原初版無視,要玩直接玩忍凱旋即可。 這種必於遊戲史中記載的遊戲,還真不知從何開始敘述。 98年經典的的潛龍諜影,其前身Metal Gear系列便已是有潛入要素的遊戲。 同年,亦是有高重要性潛入要素的【立体忍者活劇 天誅】出現, 一個是現代近未來,一個是戰國傳奇色彩, 氣氛上除了「潛行、暗殺」之外差異不 ...

SMizubaku Daibouken

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-09-02T23:00
http://ppt.cc/nB5H http://ppt.cc/_C4f 海馬大冒險(日版 T-19910G) 1998.10.22 很可愛的遊戲, SFF可以完美執行.. 載點:file/aqpxu4zv - ...

lsnes rr1-Δ13ε1

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-09-02T22:46
http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12325 Changes for rr1-Δ13ε1: - Memory search: More methods - Preserve movie if loading in RO mode (other rereco ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-09-02T22:31
新機器人大戰是我印象中唯一一款不是Q板機器人的遊戲atat(可能我見識淺薄啦) 但是我記得裡面有個角色讓我超級印象深刻,好像叫做多蒙? 是個帥氣的腳色,而且他的招式讓我愛不釋手 好像是超級霸王電影彈!? http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/7FNP5Z6Hw1M?FR= ...