Resident Evil 2 Reborn 阿法展示 - 模擬器

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2015-08-21T01:11

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結果真的停止開發了,在卡普空宣佈自己要出 Resident Evil 2 remake之後
他們製作的Resident Evil 2 Reborn 真的有被關切,然後這團隊被邀請進一步討論


InvaderGames closes down the project of Resident Evil 2 Reborn and is invited
by Capcom to discuss further ideas
Hello everybody!
First of all we want to thank all of you for the passion and the attachment
that you have daily shown us. We'll be always grateful.
Today we want to join us of a very special day for InvaderGames. After the
official announcement of the Resident Evil 2 remake by Capcom, we officialise
the end of the works on Resident Evil 2 Reborn.
Contrary to what might be thought, this is wonderful news for us and, as
fans, we're so happy that Capcom has decided to take the lead of the project
and to develop the remake awaited for years by everybody (nobody could bring
back to life the masterpiece of 1998 better than the creators themselves).
Meanwhile as developers, we're honoured to announce that we've been
officially invited to meet Capcom.
Capcom called us up in advance of the announcement and asked us if we would
mind stopping the project as they had longer term plans for a Resident Evil 2
Remake. They have invited us to a meeting to discuss further ideas.
Even though we cannot complete the project of Resident Evil 2 Reborn, we're
happy that what we've shown has achieved consents from worldwide fans and
especially has been noticed from Capcom itself. We promise that the work done
until now will be useful for future projects, we won't disappoint your and
our expectations.
Thank you again for letting us to be where we are now in spite of the long
way that remains to be walked through, we hope to focus soon on the biggest
professional chance that we could get. Once more, we're very grateful to
Capcom for having noticed our work and having appreciated as much the love we
feel about the Resident Evil saga as developing videogames. It's very rare to
find such a leader company in the industry so much open minded and sensitive
to the work of a growing studio like ours, guided by passion and competence.
News available soon, stay tuned!
InvaderGames Team


All Comments

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2015-08-24T11:46
其實不意外 就算純粹有愛不營利 這種一比一重製 也是
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2015-08-25T21:42


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2015-08-20T02:33
在1994~1997間玩過的 主角是胖胖的不明生物,只能執行前進、搬運跟爬梯動作,但是不能跳躍 特徵是從高處接近崖邊時也不會摔落,主角會往下看一眼然後搖搖頭 XD 印象中總共有四關,遊戲的開頭是開一艘船到一座島上 是解謎型的單機遊戲,每關音樂都蠻療癒的 在google上用了許多關鍵字都查嘸 ...

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