(DOSBox-frontend) LaunchBox v5.1 - 模擬器

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2015-08-17T21:04

Table of Contents


LaunchBox v5.1 Changelog:

- Fixed: Searching TheGamesDB and the LocalDB now use platform alternate
names properly (for example, you can search for platform MS-DOS and
receive PC results)
- Fixed: Could not close the Add/Edit window when changing a platform and an
image already exists
- Fixed: Some firewalls were causing LaunchBox to show an error when trying
to check for updates and being blocked by the firewall


LaunchBox is a relatively easy to set up frontend for DOSBox. It has plenty
of options and is very pleasing to the eyes.

New features for the actual app include an Options dialog with some quick
debugging options for games, new Version and Game Manual fields, and even
further optimizations that yet again significantly speed up the application.

LaunchBox v5.0 Changelog:

- New Premium Feature: New Big Box Mode home theater view is perfect for
home theater, game cabinets, etc.
- New Feature: Images, Videos, Music, and Manuals are now automatically
found and associated with your games when named by title or file name and
placed in the proper folders
- New Feature: New platform management functionality allows you to edit
platforms and their associated metadata and images
- New Feature: New default platform images primarily thanks to bd000, but
also thanks to scree and the rest of the forums community
- New Feature: Images can now be stored wherever you wish, based on
platform, in the Add/Edit Platform dialog
- New Feature: A new "attempt to hide console window on startup/shutdown"
option has been added to emulators. This will keep the ugly black boxes
from showing up for certain emulators; it works especially well for MAME,
MESS, and Retroarch.
- Improvement: Added default emulator settings for VisualBoyAdvance-M (Game
Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance)
- Improvement: Added default emulator settings for Kega Fusion SG-1000
- Improvement: The images folder has been restructured to make it much
easier to use existing image collections. LaunchBox will automatically
find and associate images using game title or file name.
- Improvement: LaunchBox has been translated into Simplified Chinese,
Brazilian Portuguese, and French, thanks to cyanjiang, AFaustini, and
Wattoo from the forums!
- Improvement: Various presentation issues with high DPI environments have
been fixed
- Fixed: In some cases game controllers would stop responding after
returning to LaunchBox from a game
- Fixed: In rare cases on some systems LaunchBox occassionally froze on

官方 http://www.jasoncarr.com/category/software/launchbox



All Comments

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2015-08-22T17:15
這種的 DOSBox 前端...有比較好用嗎?XD


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2015-08-15T17:30
紐約大地震/電氣工 FDS andlt;故事andgt; 12/24聖誕夜,突如其然的大地震襲擊了美國全境。 受到那個的影響,整個街上突然變暗了。 受到總統的敕命,為了回復整個街的供電 電器店的主角理查 賴特出場了 ---------------------------------------------- ...

Dolphin v5.0 RC 7

John avatar
By John
at 2015-08-14T22:16
http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/ 離正式版不遠啦 RC7: - Merge pull request #2024 from RisingFog/irgui Add UI Support for up to 8x Internal Resolutions RC5 ...

AC 暴力格鬥(Violence Fight)

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-08-13T21:18
部落格好讀版: http://tinyurl.com/qc2svug 其實這篇文章早在出國前兩個星期就擬好草稿了,但後來工作比較忙加上回國後發生了一 些事情,所以就一直拖到現在才發表:唉,其實原本應該還得繼續拖下去的(事情還不算 處理完),但想說還是快點先整理一下,後面怎麼樣就再說吧!至少我可以保證會一直 ...

懇求復活邪神3(繁) 能用的按鍵遇敵ips

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2015-08-13T13:40
各位版友好~ 小弟最近又重新開始玩復活邪神3 繁體版v1.1 (後來有很多改造擴充版,只是看不太懂日文劇情就放棄) 想要把每個角色破一次(之前才破過2位主角) 但是不想花時間在一直撞怪進入戰鬥畫面 所以想要找尋被動遇怪的ips(遇怪要按鍵才會進入戰鬥) 或是能否指點rom的原始碼位置,讓小弟自行修 ...

蝸牛 OBox主機、W3D遊戲手機曝光

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2015-08-13T00:38
http://bbs.snail.com/thread-29483-1-1.html 7月30日,ChinaJoy揭幕,蝸牛移動參展的兩款遊戲硬件W3D遊戲手機、OBOX遊戲主機於當 日下午1點正式開啟預售,兩款產品預售價均為1999元(人民幣),玩家可登錄蝸牛移動官網 (mobile.snail.com ...