(Remakes_VMs) Warzone 2100 GPL version 2.3 Beta 9 - 模擬器

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-02-02T12:09

Table of Contents



A new shortcut to toggle the trap cursor setting, alt-t by default
(you need to reset your key mappings to enable this), scrolling will
stop when the mouse leaves the window, and the scroll border was
increased from 16 to 22 pixels. The rest is mainly bugfixes, see
the detailed changelog below.

We decided to disable outdated translations, enabled in this release:
German, English (UK), Spanish, Estonian, French, Italian, Polish,
Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Traditional
Chinese plus the recently added Croatian and Ukrainian.

The Windows installer for this release was built on a different system
than those up to Beta 4, please report any irregularities. If your
virus scanner complains about it, please report it to the maker as a
false positive (and tell us, so we can report it to them as well). The
installer is cross-compiled on a Linux system, the hosting is done on
Linux, the file never even touched a Windows system before the download.

Bug Reports:

As usual, we need bug reports to fix problems in the game. Please note
that we use tickets only to track bugs, for discussions about how
features should work and feature requests we have a dedicated forum

For bug reports, see BugReporting for details, in short:

* Search the existing tickets for your problem, if the problem has
already been fixed in SVN, the ticket will be closed.
* If there is an open one already, feel free to add more info to it.
* If there is no report yet, make a new ticket.
* Be as detailed as possible in both summary and description, and either
log in with your forum account or leave an email address so we can
contact you if we need more information.
* The more information we have, the easier it is to fix problems, so
include savegames/instructions to reproduce the bug, crashdumps,
backtraces, screenshots for graphical problems... if you have.
* When you attach files to a ticket, please add each text/image file
separately and uncompressed, so we can view them easily in trac
(savegames can and should be zipped, they consist of name.gam,
possibly name.es, and the files in the name/ folder).

Detailed Changelog:

2010-01-24: Version 2.3 beta 9

* General:

o Fix: Formation speed limiting should be off (r9372)
o Fix: Saving games would often crash, and proximity blips not
display (r9382, #1443)
o Fix: AIs would use host′s truck templates (r9426)
o Fix: Miscellaneous bugs and crashes (r9354, r9412, r9425,
r9434, r9450, r9479)

* UI:

o Change: Add key mapping to trap/untrap cursor, alt-t by default
o Change: Stop scrolling when the mouse leaves the window (r9428,
r9438, r9449)
o Change: Increase the scroll area from 16 to 22 pixels (r9443)
o Fix: No longer possible to start a game with everyone on the same
team (r9457)
o Fix: Speeding up the game sped up some of the GUI (r9462)

* Multiplayer:

o Change: Players will no longer appear in games for a split second
if they have the wrong password (r9425)
o Fix: Players would sometimes be kicked out after one minute, even
if they had the same data (r9378)

* Gameplay:

o Fix: Shift+click on radar now queues orders as well (r9361)
o Fix: Projectiles that hit wrong target now do damage to the wrong
target (r9430)

* Graphics:

o Fix: Build progress bar is in the right place now (r9374)
o Fix: Some water tiles looked weird in 8c-Manhattan (r9418)
o Fix: Factory had visible seams in some places (r9404)

* Skirmish:

o Change: AI is now more efficient at research (r9384)
o Change: Research messages are now more specific: "Machinegun damage
+25%" instead of "upgrades machinegun damage" (r9393)
o Fix: Some numbers were unnecessarily specific: 99% instead of 100%,
999 instead of 1000 (r9394)
o Fix: Flamer Autoloader Mk2 doesn′t prerequire Flamer Autoloader

* Translations:

o Fix: Spanish locale didn′t work on Linux (r9371)
o Updated: Spanish (r9366, r9369, r9410, r9421, r9470)
o Updated: Polish (r9471)
o New: Croatian (r9476)

下載:Windows Installer http://ppt.cc/JzW2
Mac OS X Universal Binary (with low quality videos) http://ppt.cc/UHwD
Mac OS X Universal Binary (no videos) http://ppt.cc/;a26


谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 田 中 將 林 昌 勇


All Comments

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By Franklin
at 2010-02-02T09:12
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By Eden
at 2010-02-02T01:07
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By Genevieve
at 2010-02-01T20:46
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