Dapplegrey v2.7.6 - 模擬器

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2010-02-02T11:53

Table of Contents


Dapplegrey v2.7.6 is released. Dapplegrey is a frontend for the MacOS X
DOSBox port (which you can get from the official DOSBox website) written in
REALbasic. Not only the plain DOSBox app, but DOSBox versions included in
DBGL or Boxer will also be recognized as DOSBox binary source. With
Dapplegrey you can easily set options the DOSBox gives to you w/o having to
enter them manually using the Terminal or have to edit the DOSBox config
file. This file will be written before Dapplegrey tells DOSBox to start the
DOS game.

Dapplegrey v2.7.6 Changelog:
* When adding disk images (or even CD images), a warn message will appear, if
its name is longer than 8 characters. If you receive this msg, it is
recommended to shorten its name accordingly, but you are not forced to do so
yet. Be aware, DOSBox handles shortened file names better than longer ones.
* Some graphical fixes, i.e. some buttons did not have graphics.
* ′Listing favorites only′ has been fixed, in both situations app start and
Floating Gameslist Window.


All Comments

PCSX2 0.9.6 使用 direct3D10 無法全屏

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-02-02T09:12
OS:Windows7 CPU:I5 顯卡:ATI Radeon HD4800 我用官版的 PCSX2 0.9.6 玩 FF12 國際版 設置參考 http://0rz.tw/8roJ3 http://0rz.tw/ILgGf http://0rz.tw/p6UIS 而圖形的設置 Reso ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-02-01T20:46
43! 熱血系列從我小學時期,到現在已經快進部隊的我來說 不管何時這系列遊戲絕對不會輸給現在一些什麼 PS2 、 X-BOX 之類的遊戲機遊戲 我最愛的當然是and#34;時代劇and#34; 我對他超級瘋狂 瘋到什麼程度呢 暑假的時候老爸都會規定我暑假作業要寫完一天份我才可以把櫃子打開 我那百寶 ...

Gens/GS r7+

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-02-01T20:15
http://forums.sonicretro.org/index.php?showtopic=18380andamp;st=45andamp;p=401134andamp; #entry401134 Since Iand#39;m essentially doing a full rewrite of ...

VisualBoyAdvance2 SVN r214

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2010-02-01T20:12
http://code.google.com/p/gbxemu/ r214 Yay, sound is coming out. I have to refine the timing, though... r213 update copyright notice add sound output class ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2010-02-01T20:04
http://www.emucr.com/2010/02/glitch64-svn-r74.html Glitch64 SVN r74 is released.GlideHQ is a realtime texture enhancer library with hi-resolution textur ...