Regen v0.93 beta 4 - 模擬器

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-09-13T19:23

Table of Contents


I′ve uploaded a new beta 4 of Regen which contains somewhat major sound
emulation updates. I′ve added an option to boost PSG volume to whatever the
user like since I remeber something else, someone else says something else
and recordings sound something else. As such, I′ve been unable to find a way
that fits for everyone.

Apart from that, hopefully all the reported sound problems might have been
fixed in this release. So don′t forget to test them out.

SSG-EG part of my YM2612 core has undergone a major overhaul. So it should be
pretty much very close to the real thing now. If you want to check out
yourself, here is a recording from the real thing and here is the test ROM to
run in Regen and compare results. All credits for these both go out to

And I almost forgot, you can download the beta from here.

And my thanks goes out to a Russian guy for reporting many sound problems but
wants to remain anonymous.

stay safe,



All Comments

VirtualBox v2.0.2

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2008-09-13T19:20 VirtualBox 2.0.2 (released 2008-09-12) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: * VMM: fix ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-09-13T17:52
組新電腦以後 玩mame 32 plus! 0.122UL 不知道為什麼遊戲的速度怪怪的 變的慢慢的 人物動作變很慢~音效也是~ 不知道怎麼調整andgt;andlt; 好處是接連續技因速度很慢都按的很輕鬆XDD 不過這樣玩感覺很不好= = 請大家幫幫忙^^ CPU:E8400 VGA:ATI 4850 1 ...

SSF Ver0.10 prototype [SS]

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2008-09-13T17:17
SSF Ver0.10 prototype SCU-DSPのリコンパイル処理を修正しました。 SH2のリコンパイル処理を修正しました。 SH2のキャッシュ処理を修正しました。 ステートセーブデータのバージョンが変わりました。 サウンドのバッファリングオプションを変更しました。 光明三andamp;輝水 ...

幾個軟體跟程式的小問題 拜託了>"<

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-09-13T11:25
※ [本文轉錄自 ask 看板] 作者: plazacofe (黑色指甲油) 看板: ask 標題: [請問]幾個軟體跟程式的小問題 拜託了andgt;and#34;andlt; 時間: Sat Sep 13 11:22:03 2008 最近下載了兩個遊戲 1.勝騎士之戰:解壓縮完後,他的副檔名是CUE ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-09-13T10:34
請問我在xbox上面裝了sfc的模擬器, 但是我一個遊戲原本就有玩一個存檔了, 請問我那個存檔該放在xbox模擬器資料夾的什麼地方, 他才讀得到? 還是兩個檔案格式本來就不一樣了? -- 我看得出來你是個好人 你知道嗎,我怎知道你是個好人? 因為...... ...