VirtualBox v2.0.2 - 模擬器

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2008-09-13T19:20

Table of Contents

VirtualBox 2.0.2 (released 2008-09-12)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

* VMM: fixed inability to run more than one VM in parallel (AMD-V on CPUs
with erratum 170 only; bug #2167)
* VMM: VT-x stability fixes (bug #2179 and others)
* VMM: fixed Linux 2.6.26+ kernel crashes (used by Ubuntu 8.10 Alpha, Fedora
10 Alpha; bug #1875)
* VMM: fixed 64 bits Linux 2.6.26 kernel crashes (Debian)
* VMM: fixed Vista (32 bits) guest crash during boot when PAE and NX are
enabled (applied to 64 bits hosts with VT-x enabled only)
* VMM: fixed OS/2 guest crashes during boot (AMD-V; bug #2132)
* GUI: fixed crash when trying to release an inaccessible image in the
virtual disk manager
* GUI: fixed invalid error message for a changed snapshot path even if that
path wasn′t changed (bug #2064)
* GUI: fixed crash when creating a new hard disk image (bug #2060)
* GUI: fixed crash when adding a hard disk in the VM settings (bug #2081)
* GUI: fixed a bug where VirtualBox isn′t working with the new QGtkStyle
plugin (bug #2066)
* GUI: fixed VM close dialog in seamless mode (Mac OS X hosts only; bug
* GUI: fixed standard menu entries for NLS versions (Mac OS X hosts only)
* GUI: disable the VT-x/AMD-V setting when it′s not supported by the CPU (or
on Mac OS X hosts)
* VBoxManage: fixed crash during internalcommands createrawvmdk (bug #2184)
* VBoxManage: fixed output of snapshot showvminfo (bug #698)
* Guest properties: added information about guest network interfaces (Windows
guests only)
* Shared Folders: fixed regression that caused Windows guest crashes
* API: fixed number of installed CPUs (Solaris hosts only)
* VRDP: allow a client to reconnect to an existing session on the VRDP server
by dropping the existing connection (configurable and disabled by default;
only relevant when multiconnection mode is disabled)
* VRDP: fixed an image repaint problem
* Linux hosts: fixed bug in vboxdrv.ko that could corrupt kernel memory and
panic the kernel (bug #2078)
* Linux hosts: compile fixes for kernel module on Linux 2.6.27
* Mac OS X hosts: added Python support
* Additions: fixed a possible hang in HGCM communication after a VM reboot
* Windows additions: added support for Windows XP 64 bits (bug #2117)
* Linux additions: deactivate dynamic resizing on Linux guests with buggy X
* Linux additions: support Ubuntu 8.10 guests and Fedora 9 guests (dynamic
resizing disabled for the latter)
* Linux additions: added installer check for the system architecture
* Linux additions: fixed Xorg modules path for some Linux distributions (bug
* VMDK: be more liberal with ambiguous parts of the format specification and
accept more format variants (bug #2062)
* VHD: fixed a bug in the VHD backend which resulted in reading the wrong
data (bug #2085)
* Solaris hosts: fixed kernel panic on certain machines when starting VMs
with host interface networking (bug #2183)
* Solaris hosts: fixed inability to access NFS shares on the host when host
interface networking was enabled
* Solaris hosts: installer now detects and reports when installing under the
wrong architecture
* Solaris hosts: fixed security hardening that prevented starting VMs from
non-global zones even as root (bug #1948)
* Solaris additions: combined the 32 bit and 64 bit additions installer into
a single package
* Mac OS X hosts: experimental support for attaching a real serial port to
the guest


All Comments

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-09-18T17:39
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2008-09-19T19:50


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-09-13T10:34
請問我在xbox上面裝了sfc的模擬器, 但是我一個遊戲原本就有玩一個存檔了, 請問我那個存檔該放在xbox模擬器資料夾的什麼地方, 他才讀得到? 還是兩個檔案格式本來就不一樣了? -- 我看得出來你是個好人 你知道嗎,我怎知道你是個好人? 因為...... ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2008-09-13T07:11
如題, 這兩個模擬器只要按Home或End或PageUp、PageDown那邊的按鍵, 就會有Frameskip加減等的動作,問題是我根本不需要這種功能, 而我又喜歡把按鍵設在6顆,本來按了要動作卻也出現Frameskip的動作, 請問要怎麼吧按這6顆就出現那有的沒的動作取消? -- - ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2008-09-13T06:38
※ 引述《bugz (czw)》之銘言: : 這裡有人在講PSP的模擬器 : : 但是我花了一整天也只能跑他附的俄羅斯方塊demo game : 其他遊戲都跑不了 : (裡面提問的czw就是在下) 我的情形也 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2008-09-13T06:35
因為聽久了想一邊聽歌一邊玩,不過找不到可以關掉或調整的地方 請看的懂的版友幫忙一下,我英文實在苦手Orz 附帶一提弧光之源真是個好遊戲,雖一二代都很像XD 拿了朋友的NDS把玩了一下,還是覺得PSP拿起來比較有感覺XD 不過為了reFF4實在有點想買一台NDSL就是了.. 回到正題 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2008-09-13T06:16
名字好像叫做風水迴廊記 一開始出在sfc上 後來移植ss 內容是仙家弟子 為了保護風水氣脈製作仙窟? 讓仙窟的裡面藏有and#34;龍穴and#34;~ 玩家的目的~就是要把能量注入龍穴~讓人間能土地回春~ 自己開洞穴房間 要合乎五行輪轉 開房間的時候有時會有意外的小道具跟獎勵(迷) 然後要招換 ...