Raine v0.50.11 & NeoRaine v1.1.3 - 模擬器

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-03-16T15:56

Table of Contents


raine (0.50.11) unstable; urgency=low

* Fixed an irq problem in the cave driver which was freezing esprade at the
1st boss. The cause is the new version of starscream which is more precise
with interrupts, I even wonder how the cave driver could work the way it
was before that... anyway it′s fixed, but it could happen in some other
raine games (luckily very few drivers have a complicated interrupt system
like the cave driver).
* The recent gui changes could make some part of the gui to remain visible
after a game had been started... lack of tests here, sorry !

neoraine (1.1.3) unstable; urgency=low

* Fixed the loading animations "flashes", during, after or before the
animations (thanks to Juveno41 for the animation he found on youtube, it
helped a lot !). It also finally explains why the animations of overtop
were bad from level 2 : they were not supposed to be shown at all !
* Fix a stupid mistake which could cause a bad restoration of savegames in
some situations
* Some part of the gui could remain visible after the game was started...
* The depencies for raine and neoraine are now in different files to avoid
to reproduce the mistake of version 1.1.2 with the bad windows binary !


All Comments


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2008-03-16T00:28
最近再玩三代 小時候玩過一次 有電腦時玩過兩三次了 都沒有破過 現在想要在破一次 可是卡到黃瓜的地方了 巴哈的攻略沒講很詳細 我在機械都市問話問遍了 農夫還不種 而且農地前的招牌是空白的? 我聽說好像有字 另外問是不是有些ROM 有防拷的問題? 到一些外國網站載ROM 像大盜五右衛門4 RO ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2008-03-16T00:17
ARTDINK 吸血鬼傳說 這遊戲很特別,主角很像鐵達尼號主角,遊戲內容分為白天黑夜 白天的流程是跟鎮上的居民聊天,增進感情,還有散佈謠言,說鎮上的某一區 常有吸血鬼出沒,接著吸血鬼獵人就會特地關照那一區,放置一些祭壇,大蒜等法器 晚上就是吸血的時候啦,居民被同化分為兩種,生產與戰鬥型,生產型就是比 ...

PCSX2 0.9.5 SVN Rev. 317

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2008-03-15T16:53
http://www.pcsx2.net/downloads.php?p=publicbeta Noteable changes in this beta: Big fix for CD games (growlanser games, simple series games etc) should no ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-03-15T10:18
1.抓猴 2.還有一個可以兩個人在房間裡互放陷阱的遊戲也很好玩 3.俺的料理 這個遊戲是不是很冷門?可是我覺得超好玩阿!!!! 4.陸行鳥賽車 5.怪獸牧場 可以放別的遊戲生特別的怪獸,真的超酷! 6.對戰熱舞 好玩又好聽! -- 就算我拿著Stratocaster and#39;62 我 ...