Raine 0.50.13 / Neoraine 1.1.5 ! - 模擬器

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-05-28T17:33

Table of Contents


Wow, this one took much longer than the previous one !
At least this time I didn′t rush it, and it should be much better !

Except the usual bug fixes (and there are quite a few, see the changelogs for
some of them), there is quite a lot of new stuff added.
The bigest one is the new console, which isn′t anymore a bag of bugs, and
which allows to have the first cheats for mslug/ironclad and ssrpg. See the
forum and the integrated help if you are interested.
But there is new stuff for everyone this time :

For raine, a surprising fix for the cps2 driver, us classic golf becomes
playable (even if it′s a very weird game), the 8bpp games are finally fixed
and optimized.

For neoraine : it now supports reading audio tracks directly from the bin
file, or from an audio cd ! Try not using an audio cd if you can though,
because it′s the less precise way to read audio tracks here. With this it
probably supports all the possible ways to play an audio track now ! With
this, quite a few fixes, and the new cheats.

Well I think we are slowly reaching the end, the point where I don′t see any
interesting new stuff to add to raine. Maybe try to add some C versions of
the cpu emulators so that it becomes portable for the psp, but I am not sure
I have enough motivation for that yet... If you have new ideas for raine or
neoraine, you can post them !

raine (0.50.13) unstable; urgency=low

* us classic golf (seta game) finally works correctly. In fact it never
worked, even in 0.43.0 it had bad colors, the set now requires the color
proms for good colors, so you might have to upgrade to romset.
* cps2: fixed a priority problem in nwarr when taking Anakaris. It was a
stupid mistake, but which went unnoticed for a very long time ! so the fix
affects every cps2 game, but AFAIK it was noticeable only in this game...
* gui: game selection was partially broken in previous version
* gui: changing a menu value with the mouse didn′t work well in previous
version (you had to use the keyboard for that !).
* The 8bpp games are working correctly when using normal blits, + the
palette updates are now more efficient (it′s still less efficient than the
normal games, but it′s better).
* The console isn′t anymore a bag of bugs and becomes usable, you can now
create scripts, and execute them from the cheats dialog (which gained a
keyboard shortcut in the process - alt-c by default, change it if you
already use alt !). I have added some basic cheats using the console for
ironclad, mslug and ssrpg. If you are interested, read the topics on
rainemu forum about the console, and see the integrated help (help

neoraine (1.1.5) unstable; urgency=low

* fix loading a mode1/2352 image with animations enabled
* Now supports audio tracks contained in the game image file (usually a bin
file). I tested with a mode1/2048 image and a mode1/2352 one, so it should
normally work everywhere. If you made your own image from a real cd, and
all you can hear is a big "sssssshhhhhhh" instead of music, then there is
a new option for you in sound options : "audio tracks format". Normally cd
tracks should always be in lsb format, but some cd player swap the bytes
when reading them, so you can try msb if the sound is broken for you, but
normally you should never have to touch this option.
* See raine changelog for the stupid gui fixes of previous version.
* Basic support for playing directly an audio cd : if no external audio
track can be found, then neoraine will try to play the 1st audio cd it can
find. In linux it works only if you have the cable between the cdrom drive
and your soundcard, in windows it works everywhere (converted to digital).
This is the less "efficient" mode of playing : looping isn′t supported,
which means that in aero fighters the track won′t loop during game play,
and for now it doesn′t try to save the current track position in
* When a cd track was played until its end, it stopped completely the cdda
and you couldn′t hear anymore any track. It′s fixed now.
* The demo of street hoop didn′t play correctly if loading animations were
enabled. This bug affected only games which used the horizontal irq (very
* disabled speed hack for magical drop 2 as it made the menu much harder to
use !


All Comments

MAME Plus 的 SNK 系列遊戲無法出現

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-05-28T16:28
我使用的是 0.125u1 版本,路徑有設,BIOS 也有,ROM 也有 在 Available 裡面不會出現 SNK 系的遊戲,在 All 裡面則 是有禁止的標誌,但是點取的話一樣可以玩。 是不是這個版本有問題?我改用 MAME32FX 的話就正常。 ...

Glitch64 Update 15

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-05-28T12:34
http://www.emuxhaven.net/forums/showthread.php?t=6123 Update 15. -various fixes (KoolSmoky) - ...

Ootake v1.53

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-05-28T12:33
http://www.ouma.jp/ootake/ ◇「メモリベース128(セーブくん)」の動作を実機に近づけました。信長の野望シリ ーズや三国志3,元朝秘史,THE ATLAS,真女神転生で、正常にセーブとロードができるよ うになりました。(toriさんより情報をいただきました。ありがとうございます) ...

clrmamepro v3.115

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-05-28T12:31
http://www.clrmame.com/ 3.115 * added: NoIntro′s 1G1R mode (related to the regions/languages modes from 3.114) This can be enabled in settings (for regio ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2008-05-28T02:02
想問一下 版上有大大玩PS機戰ALPHA玩到破嗎? 個人不論是用ePSXe1.7或是sssPSX之類的模擬器來玩 玩到最終話艾克賽裏翁(戰艦)出現後就一定會當機.. 這樣子是無解嗎? 只能等更新? 不論用哪個PLUG-IN都一樣會當 另外當機時會出現Opcode 17 UNK (PC 000100000) ( ...