clrmamepro v3.115 - 模擬器

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-05-28T12:31

Table of Contents


* added: NoIntro′s 1G1R mode (related to the regions/languages modes from
3.114) This can be enabled in settings (for region/language dats only)
* added: set information shows set description or optionally set name now
* added: Rebuilder Beep()
* added: more support for sample-only sets
* misc: set information tree is now sorted alphabetically after
setdescription (not setname)
* misc: renamed "Show All Missing" sets to "Hide Fully-Missing Sets" and
inverted the behaviour
* misc: sample parents which aren′t listed (e.g. MAME′s alphamc07) are
added as sample-only sets
* misc: settings import button is only available for rom/sample paths
* misc: reading archives is done in an own thread
* misc: hash calculators run calculation md5/crc/sha1 in parallel in 3
* misc: chd verifyer runs md5/sha1 calculation in parallel in 2 threads
* misc: rebuilding with addpaths doesn′t reopen progresswindows per addpath
anymore (′minimize & forget′)
* misc: unneeded check detects sample-only sets in rompath and viceversa
* fixed: very poor performance when background tasks exist running in IDLE
* fixed: xml datfiles which may be parsable with a different engine.cfg aren′
t listed in the profiler
* fixed: datfile′s forcemerge mode didn′t affect merger
* fixed: addpath removes created empty rebuilder destination folder, so
following addpaths fail
* fixed: xml dats with size="-" are wrongly parsed


All Comments


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2008-05-28T02:02
想問一下 版上有大大玩PS機戰ALPHA玩到破嗎? 個人不論是用ePSXe1.7或是sssPSX之類的模擬器來玩 玩到最終話艾克賽裏翁(戰艦)出現後就一定會當機.. 這樣子是無解嗎? 只能等更新? 不論用哪個PLUG-IN都一樣會當 另外當機時會出現Opcode 17 UNK (PC 000100000) ( ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-05-27T00:27
嗯...線索很稀少~ 請強大的版友幫幫忙~ 是超任的遊戲~ 遊戲很簡單~ 麻將堆成一堆一堆的 然後去點兩個一樣的就會消去~ 全部消完就完成了~ ((不是麻將但是用麻將來玩的遊戲)) 啊啊啊~我想不起來有什麼別的了~因為他就只能這樣玩~~ 感謝各位版友~ - ...

RomCenter 3.00 RC2

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-05-26T21:07
May 25, 2008 Here is the release candidate 2 of romcenter 3. This is almost the finale version, minus language files and doc. Bugs fixe ...

bsnes v0.032

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2008-05-26T20:59
2008-05-25 - bsnes v0.032a released Very sorry for the inconvenience. Some last minute bugs snuck into the last release. Also, Iand#39; ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-05-26T19:33
用pcsx2svn377玩魔界戰記及光明騎士,發現玩光明騎士只要用即時存檔,再讀檔後 音效就不見了,魔界戰記沒這個問題。而且不管換哪個音效插件問題依舊,難道只能用 記憶卡存檔嗎 - ...