Puzzleup 2014 (12) Binary Digits - 拼圖

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2014-10-22T22:05

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題目網址: http://www.puzzleup.com/2014/

答題時限: 10月16日7PM-比賽結束(約12月17日)
加分時限: 10月16日7PM-10月22日6:59PM


◆Binary Digits

Insert 5 commas between the digits of 21218453415461109221 and obtain 6
numbers, so that no two consecutive digits will be the same in the binary
representation of these numbers.

What is the sum of these 6 numbers?

If the problem was asked for 542 with one comma, then the answer would be 47

The binary representation of 5 is 101, the binary representation of 42 is
101010, and no two consecutive digits are the same in these numbers.

在數字 21218453415461109221 當中插入 5 個逗號形成 6 個數字,

這 6 個數字的和是多少?

若題目改問 542 及 1 個逗號, 則答案為 47 (5+42=47):
5 的二進位為 101,42 的二進位為 101010,它們都沒有兩個相鄰數位相同。

上週整個忘記有這回事...公司的事太忙了 @@

而且這題又是簡單題,五分就這樣飛惹 orz

LPH [acronym]
= Let Program Heal us
-- New Uncyclopedian Dictionary, Minmei Publishing Co.

Tags: 拼圖

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拼圖Wildlife 33600P-EDUCA(進行中)

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2014-10-17T20:12
Wildlife 33600片 http://ppt.cc/39bv 雷諾瓦八月購入-新品上市特價$14998 http://ppt.cc/A7ZZ 8/28收到拼圖~很大一盒、重量非常重(木盒) 拼片總共分10包,每包3360片 想像成每包獨立拼圖並不困難 但畢竟要完成10次.....終點有點遠 開箱 ...

拼圖 噴漆

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2014-10-17T10:19
如提 小弟最近拼完一幅2000片,Educa的拼圖,因為本人非常討厭反光,想說可不可以噴個消光漆來試試,google了一下,發現沒有人有發表此類心得,不知這邊有人有試過嗎? -- Sent from my Android - ...


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