Puzzleup 2011 (01) Students - 拼圖

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2011-08-23T09:12

Table of Contents

題目網址: www.puzzleup.com/2011/puzzle/?219
加分時限: 7/28(四) 7PM - 8/02(二) 7PM


Each of the students in a group, writes down his or her name, surname,
age and birthplace on a card he or she holds. Then, these cards (each
containing four entries) are collected and examined. The following
observations are made:

‧ No matter which four cards are picked, at least two of them contains
an identical entry.
‧ There are at most three people in the group having the same name. (ie.
There may be 3 people named A, 3 people named B but there cannot be 4 people
named C).
‧ There are at most three people in the group having the same surname.
‧ There are at most three people in the group having the same age.
‧ There are at most three people in the group having the same birthplace.

What is the possible maximum number of students in this group?


‧這群學生裏最多有3人有相同的名字。(意即可以有3人叫A, 3人叫B, 但不能有



Tags: 拼圖

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Puzzleup 2011 (04) Code Length

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2011-08-23T08:09
題目網址: www.puzzleup.com/2011/puzzle/?222 加分時限: 8/18 7PM - 8/23 7PM 答對可得基本分100分。答案可上傳5次,每改1次答案從基本分扣20分。  比賽期間內可隨時上傳答案,加分時限內答對第n天加(6-n)分        另依題目的難易有額外加分(如 ...

Google puzzle

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-08-23T00:21
簡單/ 了一下 應該還沒有人分享~ OP的話我再刪掉! http://www.thegooglepuzzle.com Google工程師做的!! 雖然是宣傳Chrome 不過沒有甚麼廣告 而且創意十足! 推薦大家玩玩看:D - ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-08-22T23:57
小的第一次拼拼圖 對於拼圖方面的知識真的頗少 最近拼好了一個1000片夜光(750x500mm) 想送去裱框 有聽說過雷諾瓦和研心坊 請問各位大大們有去這裡裱過 對於這兩家店有什麼心得嗎?? 不知道該去哪家andgt; andlt; 謝謝感激不盡!!! - ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-08-22T22:40
As title...對於時鐘的長短針重合,或90/180度問題,大家都耳熟能詳了~ 加個秒針!!! 題目:在2011年8月22日中午12點到2011年8月23日中午12點 這24小時之內,有多少次時針,分針,秒針的位子剛好三分鐘面是120度??? (大致上就像是4點0分40秒這種感覺) 請把它們列出 ...

「飛天魚」影片紅 玩具預購瘋

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-08-22T12:37
http://udn.com/NEWS/LIFE/LIF1/6540909.shtml#ixzz1VjDOtGzm 「飛天魚」影片紅 玩具預購瘋 【聯合報╱記者游振昇/台中報導】 2011.08.22 04:12 am 美國超夯新玩具「飛天魚」,還未在台上市,網路上已近二百萬人次點閱搶看,消費者紛 紛 ...