puNES v0.20 - 模擬器

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-06-05T00:06

Table of Contents


In the future I will use this post to announce new releases and changes.

puNES is an emulator under development that works on Linux32/64 and
Windows32. It needs of SDL library to run. Uncompress the zip/tar file in a
subdirectory. Run it with the name of the rom as the first argument (or, in
Windows, if you don't want use the commandline, drag the rom on the icon of
the emu).
P.s. doesn't support zipped rom yet

Current version : 0.20

Implemented illegal opcode 0x80 for the "Beauty and the Beast (E) [!].nes"
complete APU emulation.
This is my first attempt with sdl sound and perhaps there may be some bugs.
For now, without the implementation of frameskip, the emulator has to work
100% for not having problems with sound skip and crackle.
Changed the structure of the code and now the emu takes less than 100Kb.
Correct many many many bugs.
added AxROM (mapper 7) emulation.
fixed another bug and now Incredible Crash Dummies run without problems.
correct a couple of bugs in the mmc3 emulation.
added MMC3 emulation.
Correct a a bug in the controller routine (thanks Dwedit).
Correct a little bug and now all cpu_interrupts_v2 test roms passed.
Implemented reading of $2004 during the rendering.
(thx to Quietust for the info and for the read2004.nes test rom).
I worked hard on the CPU and PPU emulation and now many
of test roms worked perfectly (thanks blargg).
Added OpenGL support.
Implemented APU Frame Interrupt (only this for now).
Many bugs are gone.

Mappers supported : 0, MMC1, UNROM, CNROM, MMC3, AxROM.
Sound : Implemented.

arrow keys = left, right, up, down
a = button A
s = button B
z = Select
x = Start
1 = 1x
2 = 2x
3 = 3x
4 = 4x
5 = no filters
6 = scale2x
7 = ntsc (press more time to switch between composite, svideo, rgb,
. and , = switch between PAL palette, NTSC palette and Sony CXA2025AS US
decoder, monochrome and greenchrome.
f = toggle fullscreen
o = switch between opengl and software rendering
p = toggle stretch in fullscreen
r = something nice in opengl mode (use the mouse to rotate the cube)

Links always updated:


All Comments

nullDC SVN r135

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2011-06-05T00:01
nullDC SVN Changelog: r135 Fix for issues 257~258 nullDC SVN r135 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KHBWEZTK nullDC optimized SVN r135 http://www.megauploa ...

SSF Test Version (2011/06/04)

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-06-04T23:07
http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~phantasy/ssf/ テストバージョンを更新しました。 グランディアのタイトルでアプリエラーが発生する不具合を修正しました。 - ...

很久前玩過的FC GAME--SQOON(潛艇大作戰)

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2011-06-04T21:43
不說全破是因為本作是無限輪迴, 每八關一週目, 以前實機好像才打到 第六還是五關而已, 後來用EMU 的SL大法打到十幾關, 可能是因為SL太頻繁 玩壞了, 最後畫面整個變黑只看的到自機就沒再繼續打下去. 遊戲/卡帶外盒畫面: http://famicon.s348.xrea.com/entries/ ...

Rom Collection Browser v0.8.7

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-06-04T20:33
http://code.google.com/p/romcollectionbrowser/ Rom Collection Browser v0.8.7 is released. Rom Collection Browser is xbmc script for browsing and launching ...

Snes9x 1.53 for mac

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2011-06-04T20:29
http://www.geocities.co.jp/SiliconValley-PaloAlto/2560/snes9x.html The latest build for Mac OS X : build 113 (2011/5/6) - ...