PSXjin v2.0.2 - 模擬器

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-05-18T12:17

Table of Contents

PSXjin v2.0.2 is released. PSXjin is a PSX emulator with Rerecording features
using pcsx core. It is intended to be an evolution of the outdated pcsx-rr
with a new SPU core.

PSXjin v2.0.2 Changelog:
Integrated Pad Plugin! (from SSSPSXPad)
Cue support
SPU sound fixes (Such as Seifer's Sword)
AVI and WAV now split at 2GB
Codecs greater than 4K properly load
Display no longer dark during load screen
Controls can be configured during gameplay
Emulator window can be resized during play
CD Swapping fixed for text based movies
*Accurate Dual Shock Emulation

*Only use this if digital input stutters during gameplay when using analog


All Comments


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-05-18T10:06
官網開催 聲優祝賀 年譜 封面圖鑑 不知不覺這遊戲也這多年惹 對惹 在PSP的破界篇後 PS3預定在夏天也會推出最新的機器人大戰作品 期待捏 - ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-05-17T22:41
最近有在玩侍魂系列 想請問一下 各代的殘虐表現使用條件為何? 所謂殘虐表現是指 在決勝負那一場 1代-把人砍斷 會掉錢 or 沒砍斷 但噴血 2代-不知道有沒有 3代-有被電腦砍斷過 但不知到條件 4代-斷末奧義or地上砍斷or空中砍斷or刺傷噴血or撞到噴血(武器非劍角色) 0代-不知道有沒有 ...

WIN7 x64 無法執行PS模擬器

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2011-05-17T22:32
※ 引述《kininan (奇尼)》之銘言: : 自從從xp升為win7 x64 專業版後就發生了杯具.. : 只要是ps的相關模擬器 : 一執行game就是發生錯誤關閉(其它模擬器都沒這問題..) 我之前升級 Win7 64bit 也遇過同樣問題, 後來是換 and#34;圖形插件and#34; 解決. ...

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Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-05-17T18:35
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