pspudb v1.10 released - 模擬器

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2012-10-08T22:47

Table of Contents

Again long time ago since last posts here but i am working hard to complete
more the database and adding screenshots of games. There are also the above

-Fixed a bug in renaming tool , (a title with ":" can't be renamed properly)
-screenies are now in 2 categories duplicate and standalone. Standalone are
scanning from their discid while duplicates are scanning from duplicate id.
-Added fixup firmware
-Added image scanning and adding it to database. Now user can add it's own
-Finished eboot.bin /boot.bin status correction. Now it should work fine
-Added the dialog for displaying images which are not into database
-Changed prepending for iso number since expected isos,csos,7so might extend

As usual 3 releases

First pspudb v1.10 standalone

Second pspudb v1.10 with latest emulators

And third complete set of pspudb v1.10 with images, screenshots and emulators
(Author's recommended)

Enjoy and post your comments on our forums

Also don't forget to visit the online database for
psp games and emulators compatibility based on pspudb database


All Comments

Re: 聊一下台灣遊戲的發展

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-10-08T12:39
之前看過一本分析台灣企業遠景的書,裡面提到了台灣企業一個怪現象: 台灣企業有5的野心,4的實力,3的資源,2的成效,1的反省, 用在國產遊戲產業其實也說得通. 我爸的一個朋友就是國內某遊戲公司的工程師,也是公司元老之一, 所以就算我沒有實際經歷過那個時代,但這方面的資訊還是能略知一二, 而且家裡還有一大箱不 ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-10-08T10:03
※ 引述《karl7238 (追夢)》之銘言: 推 OPWaug:致命武力無誤龐大的開發成本沒收回來結果把幽城也一起賠掉 10/04 00:26 → OPWaug:小眾市場的野心太強結果反燒到自己 10/04 00:27 這裡真的說到了小弟的傷心處 台灣遊戲的主流市場就是中國風+武俠or三國 偏偏這卻是 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2012-10-07T16:22
我用的超任模擬器是sens9x~snes9x-1.43版的, 昨晚玩時還好好的,但今天要再玩時, 卻發現畫面超級lag, 大概8秒鐘一個動作, 但聲音都一切正常, 我平常在玩時,為了節省時間,我有時會按Tab鍵加速, 我有把模擬器砍掉重抓, 也有把過多不玩的rom及記錄檔都砍了, 但都沒用, 有誰可 ...

(WIP) Luca's MAME Drivers (12/10/06)

Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2012-10-07T14:53
2012.10.06 星際戰機(Star Fighter)加入模擬行列。 An update on my ongoing efforts to defeat the protection in the remaining SunA games. After Brick Zon ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2012-10-07T06:03
TOD2是有點久了 不知道是ISO的問題還是模擬器的問題 模擬器是去官網下載的最新板 PCSX2 1.0.0 (r5350) 問題就是 一開始一樣的這個畫面: 然後就跳到這個畫面不動了: 是 ...