PSPKVM v0.5.5 Test 2 (Uploaded Nov. 4, 2009) - 模擬器

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2009-11-05T08:44

Table of Contents

PSPKVM Test Builds

There are currently a few ′unofficial′ or test builds up, for testing
various features.

(Note: 0.5.4 test releases are in .tgz format--or gzipped tarballs. Notes on
handling these, if you′re new to them, are here.)
0.5.5 Test 2 (Uploaded Nov. 4, 2009)

This release adds file-based MP3 playback capability to the JSR 135
Multimedia API, meaning J2ME media players like GlassPlayer will be able to
play local MP3 files, and games and other apps using MP3s for sound should
work. The package is a ′bare eboot′ .zip, containing only the EBOOT.PBP
(replace the one in our current 0.5.4 install or a previous 0.5.5 test build
with it to add this feature). The download is here.

Changes include:

* Initial MP3 (JSR 135 Multimedia API) implementation added. This is a
MediaEngine (hardware-based) implementation--very fast, and easy on your
processor. It is for file-based playback only as of this release (no
streaming from the net as yet), and has the following known limitations:
there are no shuttle controls or volume control, metadata reading is not yet
supported, and backgrounded playback, while functional, will break your
network connection.

* Added a ′mark all contents′ command to AMS folders


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M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC 5

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2009-11-05T08:40 Version 1.0 RC5 28 Oct 2009 Bug Fixes CNS: Fixed bug where teammode and hitdefattr were being evaluated incorrectly. CNS: Fixed bug ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-11-05T01:38
我用0.95版本的PCX2玩FF10 速度正常 可惜就是常常出現破圖的情況 後來換用0.97版本就沒破圖問題了 但卻發生另一個問題 就是速度一整個變快 我想問的就是如何在0.97版本裡調速度啊 希望能調到正常遊戲的速度 謝謝 - ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2009-11-05T00:00
今天第一次用了ssf模擬器來玩以前的老遊戲夢幻模擬戰2, 整體感覺還不錯,唯一的缺點是玩到一半時會突然沒有聲音。 自己也沒有壓到靜音的按鈕,遊戲玩起來沒聲音好難受呀!!andgt;and#34;andlt; 在小兵對撞時還只能自己配音「嘟嘟嘟」、「阿阿~嗚呀」 龜毛的個性堅持著玩GAME一定要有音樂和 ...

Fceux SVN r1528

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2009-11-04T20:21 Fceux SVN r1528 is released.FCEUX is a cross platform, NTSC and PAL Famicom/NES emulator that is a ...

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Hazel avatar
By Hazel
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