M.U.G.E.N 1.0 RC 5 - 模擬器

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2009-11-05T08:40

Table of Contents


Version 1.0 RC5

28 Oct 2009
Bug Fixes
CNS: Fixed bug where teammode and hitdefattr were being evaluated
CNS: Fixed bug where hit attribute string parsing could fail in expressions.
CNS: Fixed bug where explod′s Y position is displaced if explod is created
on the first tick of the round on cut stages.
CNS: Fixed bug where DestroySelf did not abort remainder of state evaluation.
This could lead to crashes or indeterminate behavior depending on the
controllers used after.
Fixed bug where pre-1.0 stages with zoffsetlink are drawn displaced by
upwards 1 stage unit.


All Comments


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-11-05T01:38
我用0.95版本的PCX2玩FF10 速度正常 可惜就是常常出現破圖的情況 後來換用0.97版本就沒破圖問題了 但卻發生另一個問題 就是速度一整個變快 我想問的就是如何在0.97版本裡調速度啊 希望能調到正常遊戲的速度 謝謝 - ...

PCSX Reloaded SVN r35265

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-11-04T20:20
http://emu.crimsonrain.com/2009/11/pcsx-reloaded-svn-r35265.html PCSX Reloaded SVN r35265 is released.PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a Pl ...

MESS v0.134 SVN r6277

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2009-11-04T20:20
http://emu.crimsonrain.com/2009/11/mess-v0134-svn-r6277.html MESS v0.134 SVN r6277 is released.MESS is a free emulator which emulates a large variety of d ...

Mario Adventure

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-11-04T17:55
※ 引述《rondo (￾ ￾ ￾N￾ ￾ )》之銘言: :;text=http%3a//www. : okimpala.com/mario_adventure_e.htman ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2009-11-04T17:11
我現在是用dolphin 但是開ZELDA兩光公主 上面顯示的FPS可怕的低 這是我電腦不耐操還是單純模擬器設定不對? 我是E6300 3G RAM ATI4830 WIN XP -- ﹒ ﹒ ﹒ ’. ﹒ ﹒ ﹒ ...