(PSP) PPSSPP v1.6 - 模擬器

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2018-05-29T19:34

Table of Contents


PPSSPP v1.6.3 Changelog:

* Crashfixes, task switching and one in Phantasy Star Portable
* Improve graphics in PoP on some devices


– This time, it’s all about speed. The Vulkan backend has improved as is
now the default where available, while the OpenGL backend has been
properly multithreaded and now runs really fast on dual-core devices. Enjoy!


PPSSPP v1.6.1 Changelog:

* OpenGL backend now properly multithreaded, giving a good speed boost.
* Various Vulkan performance improvements (like #10911) and memory allocation
* GPU command interpreter performance improvements (#10658)
* Various fixes for app switching and widgets (#10855) on Android
* Bugfixes and some performance improvements in the ARM64 JIT compiler and IR
* Shader cache enabled for Vulkan
* Multiple iOS fixes, including JIT (#10465) and file browser (#10921).
* Improved compatibility on Mac (#10113)
* Texture replacement ID bugfix (note: some textures from 1.5.4 may become
* Adhoc multiplayer fixes (#8975)
* Vulkan support on Linux/SDL (#10413)
* Retroarch support


PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and
Linux, written in C++.

PPSSPP v1.5.2 Changelog:

* OpenGL backend now properly multithreaded, giving a good speed boost.
* Various Vulkan performance improvements (like #10911) and memory allocation
* GPU command interpreter performance improvements (#10658)
* Various fixes for app switching and widgets (#10855) on Android
* Bugfixes and some performance improvements in the ARM64 JIT compiler and IR
* Shader cache enabled for Vulkan
* Multiple iOS fixes, including JIT (#10465) and file browser (#10921).
* Improved compatibility on Mac (#10113)
* Texture replacement ID bugfix (note: some textures from 1.5.4 may become
* Adhoc multiplayer fixes (#8975)
* Vulkan support on Linux/SDL (#10413)
* Retroarch support





All Comments

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2018-06-01T07:58
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2018-06-02T00:12
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-06-03T20:36
依照慣例,很快的又更新了, 1.6.1
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2018-06-08T11:27
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2018-06-12T15:17
靠 這一版速度變超快 高通s800免vulkan就可以60fps了!!

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