(Joystick) vJoy v2.1.8.39 - 模擬器

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2018-05-29T19:31

Table of Contents


vJoy is a Virtual Driver for Windows (XP and later) Emulates

vJoy Features:

- Virtual Device and device driver
- PPJoy replacement
- Configurable: Up to 8 axes, up to 32 buttons and optional 4 POV Hat Switch
- Package include: Unified x86+x64 installer
- Download-able: Full sources, SDK, Demo feeder applications, documentation
- Typical audience: Application writers that want to emulate joystick
- Under development: Force Feedback (FFB) capabilities - co-operation sought

vJoy v2.1.8.36 Changelog:
**v2.1.8 Build 39 - Windows 10 (1803) bug fix **

When moving to Windows 10 release 1803 some users found that vJoy driver
stopped functioning. This was manifested in cases where vJoy devices were
configured with zero buttons.

**Fix**: This version of vJoy include configuration apps that do not cause
such a problem.

**Recovery**: Before installing this version of vJoy make sure the previous
configuration (if causes problems) is removed: Run vJoyConfig -r then install
this version of vJoy.





All Comments

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2018-06-01T10:45

不讓 Nintendo 專美!Sony 或將推出復刻

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2018-05-27T17:41
不讓 Nintendo 專美!Sony 或將推出復刻版初代 PlayStation 及經典遊戲 https://hypebeast.com/zh/2018/5/sony-considering-playstation-1-classic 相信 Sony 是看到 Nintendo 不斷推出復刻版經典遊戲機,而帶 ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2018-05-26T10:41
本作基本上應該很多人都玩過,非常紅的紅白機趣味遊戲。 但值得順便介紹的是移植後的磁碟機版(FDS版),可謂當年的完全版! 如果沒玩過FDS版的可以趁機順便找一下入手來玩。 原文:エキサイトバイク 英文:Excitebike 中文:越野機車 https://i.imgur.com/XNLBHYd.png 原文: ...

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at 2018-05-24T21:41
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