(PSP) jpcsp v0.1 revision 904 - 模擬器

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2009-01-19T07:33

Table of Contents


- r904 … messed up the last commit. This time: updated
ResolveUnmappedNIDs tool, you can now copy paste
lines from html logs as well as output directly
copied from the log window. Last time: fixed thread
issue in pspge. fixed endianness issue in mpeg
module. tweaked devctl 0×02425818 to 32mb empty ms
(values still guessed).
- r903 updated ResolveUnmappedNIDs tool, you can now copy
paste lines from html logs as well as output
directly copied from the log window. fixed endianness
issue in mpeg module. tweaked devctl 0×02425818 to
32mb empty ms (values still guessed).
- r902 Implemented sceUtilitySavedataInitStart mode 8 (Issue
51). Enhanced test program SavedataTool to test mode 8.
- r901 improved io seek. added fatms0 mapping to ms0 (untested).
removed context switch from fast check sema when inside
callback, who knows what will happen if the sema wanted
to wait. converting ge sync(type=queued) to sync(type=done).
- r900 fixed PSF write (value offset was not getting updated)
- r899 fixed ioXXXAsync -> context switch -> waitAsync blocking
forever. added devctl 0×02015804, 0×02015805, 0×02425823.
- r898 accidentally left GE callbacks disabled in the conversion
- restoring
- r897 Fixed 2D display to no longer ignore depth information.
- ZTST: fixed for 2D. Not yet fixed for 3D. - CLEAR: set
DepthFunc to GL_ALWAYS instead of clearing the depth
buffer Tested with 2dstudio.prx and different games. E.g.
display problems in ToE are now fixed.
- r896 Fixed 2D display problems: - ATST: do not disable ALPHA_
TEST when reference value is 0 - CLEAR: ALPHA_TEST is
always disabled in clear mode - TME, ABE, ATE, ZTE: they
have no effect in clear mode (other flags not tested)
Tested on a real PSP using 2dstudio.prx
- r895 Added test program 2dstudio.prx to test different
parameter combinations when drawing 2D objects.



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MD的幽遊白書 靈光鏡反衝

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2009-01-18T23:26
想請問MD的幽遊白書魔強統一戰 雖然當時覺得這遊戲很好玩,又簡單上手 最近才知道,原來這個遊戲算是MD的經典之一 不過當時在下不懂得欣賞就是了XD 整天羨慕同學家有超任,自己家裡只有MD這樣.... 不過那時候還是有跟幾個家裡只有MD,沒有超任的同學玩就是了 話說他們還蠻機的XD 那時還唬爛我說幻海有靈光 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2009-01-18T22:27
遊戲控制 : A是跳 B是出拳頭 按住B拳頭會變成布可以抓東西 遊戲內容 : 我忘記主角是不是貓反正就是一種動物... 另外我只記得主角是拿著白色的拳頭, 然後拳頭可以抓取東西丟人,也可以在牆壁上或者地板上彈跳... 應該算是動作類遊戲 ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2009-01-18T19:38
http://rabirion-web.hp.infoseek.co.jp/address/airfortress.html 一般位址都只有四碼, 可是像這個GAME竟然有五碼的位址, 而EMU也只提供 四碼輸入, 請問這種的要怎麼輸入呢? - ...

bsnes v0.039

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-01-18T16:00
http://byuu.cinnamonpirate.com/ * Recovered ~10% speed loss from last release via S-CPU IRQ timing optimizations * Implemented O(1) binary-h ...

對於World Heroes的隨想

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2009-01-18T12:27
純粹是碎碎念 因為在撰寫東西時,看到了拉斯普丁的名字,就突然想起了這款遊戲。 SNK在格鬥天王系列之前,最讓我印象深刻的對戰格鬥遊戲, 就是俗稱[英雄榜]的World Heroes 系列。 若只比較在SFC時代的一二代, 我比較喜歡一代: 從配樂、腳色動感,一代相較於二代,都比較活躍。 特別是令我印象深刻 ...