(PSP) jpcsp v0.1 revision 894 - 模擬器

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2009-01-15T11:04

Table of Contents


- r894 Added jaxen and jdom to .classpath for Eclipse
- r893 oops, didn’t comment out a test properly
- r892 missed a file for the last commit. other minor changes.
- r891 re-wrote emu thread <-> graphics thread interaction. list sync
implemented. old code/files will be removed later.
- r890 Fixing netbeans project. - Removing user local settings and
automatically generated files. - Excluding some junk from
the build/ directory. - I suggest deleting your local copy
of the dist/lib directory after updating to this revision -
it will get regenerated.
- r889 Fixing netbeans project. - Removing user local settings and
automatically generated files. - Excluding some junk from
the build/ directory. - I suggest deleting your local copy
of the dist/lib directory after updating to this revision -
it will get regenerated.
- r888 Fix for netbeans…
- r887 added setting to disable blocking audio functions. probably
safe to use it all the time.



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莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投


All Comments

PCSX2 Playground rev 586 & GSDX 0.1.14

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2009-01-14T12:40
PCSX2 Playground rev 586 rev 890 GSDX 0.1.14 http://re4rainbow.4shared.com/ Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/re4rainbow Legend: and#39;//blah-blah-blah/ ...

LilyPad v0.9.7

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2009-01-14T12:38
http://forums.ngemu.com/ps2-plugin-questions-plugin-troubleshooting/87274- lilypad-new-pad-plugin-lame-name.html 0.9.7 fixes a bug that caused the config ...

SNES「伊忍道—打倒信長(Super Inindo-Datou Nobunaga)」

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2009-01-14T11:33
名稱:伊忍道—打倒信長(Super Inindo - Datou Nobunaga ) 載圖:封面 http://www.badongo.com/pic/5066679 遊戲 http://www.badongo.com/pic/ ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2009-01-13T21:54
不知道這問題能不能問 剛下了幾個ps的rom 想說燒出來用ps2主機玩 不過用酒精將.cue檔燒成光碟放到ps2主機讀不到 請問是方法錯了還是ps主機才能讀 謝謝回答 - ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2009-01-13T20:30
是在以前高雄漢神百貨的電玩區看到的大型電玩 所以應該有7.8年以前.甚至是10年前了 所以記得不是很清楚 可以2個人一起合作玩的 遊戲畫面是2D的 每關都是選魔王直接打 魔王大約有8~10個可以讓你選 最大特色是遊戲畫面被切一半 玩家可以爬上爬下移動 我確定遊戲不是究級戰隊 人物的畫風是偏 ...