PSP 3D Plugin v1.2 - 改機

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-03-15T13:06

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作者: choan (八房龍之助) 看板: Emulator
標題: [新聞] PSP 3D Plugin v1.2
時間: Tue Mar 15 12:56:20 2011

PSP 3D Plugin v1.2 is released. PSP 3D Plugin is a PSP plugin enabling 3D
(red/cyan) mode within games.

new game support: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
in-game 3D-Mode change possible. While keeping L-Trigger and R-Trigger
pressed you could use the following keys to "play" with the 3D appearence
while the 3D mode is active in the game you are playing:
* Left/Right of the digi-Pad is changing the shift amount of the anaglyph
* 3D activiation key (default is NOTE) to toggle the anaglyph colors from
red/cyan to geen/pink and to yellow/blue...

The fact that this is already an openSource project would make this work
special as well, I guess.

Version 1.1 is now available.....
change log
- New game support for "Ape Escape", "Ridge Racer 2", "Descpicable me" and
"Vulcanus - Seek & Destroy".
- While pressing r-trigger and l-trigger you could see on screen the 3D
parameter A (ROT_ANGLE) and P (ROT_POINT) as you may want to put into the
configuration for your game
- while pressing r-trigger and l-trigger and triangle you can swap the colors
of the 3D mode

Version 1.2 is now available.....
change log
- Compatible with 6.20 TN-HEN
- new game support, check the full compatibility list....

Compatibiliy List
With this update the following compatibility list apply for this plugin:

Tested by my self:
Despiceable me
Ape Escape
Ridge Racer 2
Vulcanus - Seek and Destroy
Ratchet & Clank - Size Matters
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
Death Jr.
Tomb Raider - Legends (ein wenig flackern)
Vulcanus - Seek and Destroy
Star Wars Battlefront II
Metal Gear Solid - Opps und Opps+
Prince of Persia - Rival Swords
Prince of Persia - Revelations
Ridge Racer 2
Ape Escape (new)
Kingdom Hearts birth by sleep (new)
Jack and Daxter - The final frontier (new)
Army of 2 - The 40th day (new)

Tested from other users: (special thanks to the tester)
Ape Escape
Carnivores (PSN)
A Space Shooter For 2 Bucks
Young Thor
Dave Mirra BMX
Worms 2
Dead to Rights Reckonig
Army of TWO 40th Day
Star Wars Battlefront - Elite Squadron
FTB2 (Socom U.S.Navy Seals Fireteam Bravo 2)
Young Thor (new)
Dave Mirra (new)
Naruto Shippuden - Ultimate Ninja Heros 3 (new)
Turtles (new)
Phantom Brave (new)
Coded Arms Contagion (new)
soul calibur broken destiny(new)
mercury meltdown (new)
archel mc li MERCURY (new)
undead knight (new)
bubble bobble evolution (new)
Transformers (new)
Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen (new)
Crush (new)
The Eye of Judgment Legends (new)

To get a clue what I'm talking about just look at the following screen shots
made while the plugin is activated in certain games (you need red/cyan
glasses to enjoy the real depth ):

Tags: 改機

All Comments

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2011-03-15T16:52
好像很有趣 回家試試看 可惜我沒3D眼鏡XD
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-03-17T05:52
應該跟一般轉3D軟件差不多 ?
不過沒3D眼鏡,不試了= 3 =
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-03-17T14:55
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-03-18T05:13
去書店買紅、藍玻璃紙 厚紙板做鏡框
之前這技術在電腦上玩過 效果很差
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-03-19T08:38
的確可以看到3D效果 但是顏色都不對很暈
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-03-23T03:21
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-03-27T23:39
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2011-03-28T13:43
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-03-29T23:25
那你玩玩看吧 我實際在電腦上玩就很不舒服
PSP螢幕更小 我覺得不會好到哪去
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-04-01T14:02
現在支援 6.20prob5囉 也支援remotejoy
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2011-04-04T07:29

graf_chokolo: On the Way of Compromising UM

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-03-15T09:34 文章標題是我自己給的,跟graf_chokolo無關,但graf_chokolo在 3月 8日時寫 下了以下的文章: graf_chokolo says: March 8, 2011 at 1:55 pm Yeah, thanks. As soon as AIM w ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-03-14T23:31
剛剛參考了一下猴子來襲 他說6.35PRO-B3有支援version.txt and#34;支援version.txt,把它放到ms0:/seplugins/version.txt即可生效and#34; 但是前面的ms0: 我開不出來 系統說不能有:這個字元 請問是我哪裡弄錯了嗎?? /ms0 ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-03-14T23:03
我的主機是白色薄機160G,目前有外接硬碟 WD 1TB 不過每次要執行外接硬碟上的備份,都會當機(MM有讀到,啟動才當機) 有人知道這是怎麼一回事嗎? MM是最新版了 謝謝 - ...

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Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-03-14T21:30 編了一天終於編完了,有一兩個 bug卡蠻久才排除掉的,檔案大小約167 MB,解 壓縮後有775 MB。 下載下來後請將ps3dev資料夾解壓縮放在cygwin安裝目錄下的/usr/local目錄裡 面,並在~/.bashrc 裡 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-03-14T20:47
想請教各位大大 就是之前胖P 遇到死亡黃燈T.T 由於不能開機 所以硬碟內的遊戲紀錄檔也無法救回 我有個想法但不知道行不行的通XD 就是把硬碟卸下 裝到電腦 然後用硬碟的救援軟體 ex:finaldata andamp; R-studio 把硬碟的資料掃描出來 若真的掃出遊戲紀錄檔 然後利用 ...