(PS3) Short Waves 0.0.1 - 模擬器

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2013-12-31T15:55

Table of Contents


Short Waves Emulator Version 0.0.1 (30.12.2013)
■System requirements: Recommended 4-core processor and DirectX 9.0
compatible video card, Windows XP or Vista 32-bit. Version for 64-bit Seven
have not tested this (laptop burned), and therefore can not start.

■Prior to launching commercial games are far (two or three years). Do not
expect miracles. While you can run only small homebrew application.

■The project started in October 2012 I originally wanted to open the
resources of one game, but all turned out to be encrypted content (or
packed), and to reveal the encryption algorithm, I needed a debugger
processor Cell. I downloaded the source RPCS3, rebuilt the code and run, the
program took off with an error, unable to do anything. Me is terribly upset,
and I decided to build its amusement park. RPCS3 To draft this emulator has
nothing, not borrowed any code. Everything is written from scratch based on
my own research. Currently implemented emulation PPU, SPU and RSX. Nearly all
instructions. Vertex and pixel shaders are broadcast directly – from a
binary code binary code RSX in DirectX, without intermediate representation
in the form of source code. There cache textures, surfaces and shaders. All
calls to the OS caught and executed natively, that is an official firmware to
work is not necessary. Dynamic recompilation PPU and SPU will not. Already
implemented static recompilation PPU: generated file on c + +, which is
compiled and collected offline dll being loaded and executed, replacing the
script interpreter. Recompilation is not restricted to simple blocks, but
branching, and function calls. Instructions for use will be recompiled later.
Emulator has no GUI. Path to the emulated elf and all the settings specified
in the configuration file sw_emu.ini, which must be located in a folder with
the emulator.

■corresponding buttons on the keyboard and gamepad hard-coded in the code,
and a configuration file, you can not change until. VK_LEFT = LEFT = DOWN
R1 '1' = L1 '9' R2 = '2' = L2 'F' = ANALOG_LEFT 'H' RIGHT = 'T' = ANALOG_UP
ANALOG_DOWN pressing the ESC program emulated signal is sent REQUEST_EXITGAME
– Force the game or power off on a real console. Source emulator yet closed.
If you have questions, please contact: [see postal address of the author in
the readme] Author asks everyone to take part in the testing and to inform
him if a problem occurs: I would like to get feedback on possible errors in
the work. For example, today found that psgl tests do not work on all video


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PS3F 000

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2013-12-31T14:45
https://twitter.com/FessX/status/417301337718538240 はて… http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~phantasy/ps3f/files/PS3F_000.zip もちろんゲームは動きませんよ。 とりあえず、ニヤニヤしたい人用。 DLL ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2013-12-31T11:28
神坐!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 後來ps3-HD不算的話.ps是畫面最棒的版本atat English Title: RayStorm Japanese Title: レイストーム Release date: 1997 Type: Shooter Serial: SLPS- ...

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Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-12-31T11:15
美國玩家坐擁 10,607 部電玩遊戲 總價值約 80 萬美元打破金氏世界紀錄 (特約編輯 William 報導) 2013-12-25 19:30:28 玩家們,你的家中擁有多少電玩收藏呢?根據美聯社報導,一位來自美國的 43 歲玩 家 Michael Thomasson,坐擁 10,607 款 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2013-12-31T10:10
之前有發文 本想購買neo geo x 也順便玩mame 但被版友勸退了。 ㄧ方面它規格沒很好 再來銀幕也不夠大。 侯後來有考慮jxd的產品 但擔心品質跟手感不好。 最後還是考慮用手機玩,但就需要可以夾住手機的把手了。 上網查了ㄧ下 大概有moga ipega damp 這三個牌子 因為需要十字鍵所以 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2013-12-30T23:28
這個是支線算是有完整劇情的最後三個事件了。 看看今年國曆年結束前能不能衝完劇情吧? 大概有點趕atat ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【人物關係】 ドゥエル ティーポ ←─┐ ...