(PS) no$psx v1.6 - 模擬器

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-10-12T20:14

Table of Contents


no$psx is a nocash Playstation PSone emulator by martin korth


- cd/help: added notes on sub-cpu
- cd/emu: simplified 1st/2nd/3rd response slots (instead overcomplicated
- debug: optional IRQx logging to tty window (plus detailed cdrom INTxx info)
- cd/emu: emulates exact filter/realtime handling for adpcm and data sectors
- cd/help: added notes on data/adpcm sector filtering/delivery on
- cd/help: added almost perfect xa-adpcm zig-zag-interpolation formula/tables
- cd/help: added note on unitialized six-step adpcm interpolation counter
- cd/help: added flowchart for using sound map mode (with random 3-slot
- cd/emu: emulates 8bit xa-adpcm decompression (unlike normal 4bit xa-adpcm)
- cd/emu: emulates xa-adpcm zig-zag-interpolation (37.8 to 44.1kHz resampling)
- cd/emu: bugfixed xa-adpcm (did destroy sixstep "extra_offhold" inside of
- cd/emu: emulates newly discovered MotorOn command (and its various errors)
- cd/help: added some basic notes and waveform example for xa-emphasis feature
- cd/emu: emulates invalid xa-adpcm filter=4..15 and invalid shift=13..15
- cd/emu: added basic soundmap emulation (works at least to play one 900h
- cd/help: added notes on invalid xa-adpcm filter=4..15 and shift=13..15
- spu: bugfixed cd.audio.capture buffer (is NOT affected by cd.audio volume)
- cd/help: added notes on newly discovered secret_unlock feature (command 5xh)
- cd/myth/help: eliminated "Standby" myth (actual function of cmd 7 is
- cd/help: added notes on peak bytes for Play+Report (and incomplete GetQ
- cd/help: added details on purpose/function of all cdrom test commands
- cd/help: discovered more test commands (supported on older PSX consoles
- cd/help: added specs for CXA1782BR cdrom servo amplifier registers
- cd/help: added specs for CXD2510Q cdrom signal processor registers
- cd/help: added specs for CXD2545Q cdrom combined servo + signal processor
- cd/help: added specs for CXD1199BQ/CXD1815Q cdrom decoder/fifo registers
- cd/help: added specs for MC68HC05 on-chip I/O Ports (and their usage in psx)
- cd/help: added notes on GetID's ATIP byte, and on POS0 flag in sub_func 21h
- cd/help: removed nonsense sub_function numbers from ancient cdinfo.txt
- cd/help: added info on some formerly unknown CD-XA bytes (in the LEN_SU
- cd/help: added subheader CI coding info bits (adpcm emphasis and
- cd/help: added notes on more cd-xa fields in primary volume descriptor
- poc/help: added some pocketstation details (LED, mirrors, exceptions, etc)
- help: added notes on PU-7 chipset (different cdrom/spu/gpu/cpu/bios chips)
- bios: added patch_uninstall_early_card_irq_handler_efficient (thanks shendo)
- gui: setup uses asia-compatible TabControl instead of unreliable
- dma3/cdrom and dma6/otc: treats len=0 as length=10000h words (=256 kbytes)
- cdrom data fifo: uses [800h-8] or [924h-4] as padding-byte after sector end
- gui: fullscreen mode preserves real aspect ratio (padded with black border)
- gui: fullscreen mode moved to context menu (instead of old setup option)
- gui: created mouse-shape-less No$helpClass (avoid flickering mouse pointer)
- debug: supports MC68HC05.ROM bios loading (16.5K) (for disasm at 50001000h)
- debug: re-arranged gte registers in iomap (fixed overlapping text fields)
- debug: added dummy-mappings: 50000000h=mc68hc05 memory/mc68hc05 disassembler
- debug: added dummy-mappings: 60000000h=vram, and 70000000h=spu-ram
- debug/help: added disassembler and specs for mc68hc05 cpu (cdrom
- spu/help: corrected spu-irq description (irq9 does trigger also on spu-dma)
- credits: big thanks to psxdev.ru for cdrom 68hc05 sub-cpu decapping






All Comments

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2013-10-15T21:44
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2013-10-17T11:16
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2013-10-18T05:35


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2013-10-11T21:48
終於要開始來寫,這次聖劍傳說系列攻略文最後一款,聖劍傳說LOM。 本篇記錄遊戲OP跟主題曲的內容。 ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【劇情概要】 ˙在這名為ファ‧ディール的大地,曾經蒙受著瑪娜之樹恩惠而繁榮興盛。 但追求瑪娜之力的人們,讓瑪娜之力逐 ...

iOS DOS版軒轅劍2 免費中

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-10-11T20:05
新聞出來惹 http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/86844.html http://www.ettoday.net/news/20131009/280227.htm http://android.zones.gamebase.com.tw/newss/96358871/1 http://ww ...

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Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2013-10-11T18:47
2013.10.11 Gens32 is a SEGA Genesis/Mega-Drive/Sega-CD/Mega-CD/32X emulator based on the source code of Gens and offers added features. ...

OpenBor 忍者龜(AC模式)開發中影片

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2013-10-10T17:22
新預告 https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embeddedandamp;v=_87C9D5Rtws 同時 第一版DEMO放出 https://www.dropbox.com/s/c1vsdsvbdhq9hoy/TMNT_SS_R5694.rar ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2013-10-10T01:05
小時候在nes任天堂紅白機的合卡,玩過一款阿里巴巴或者阿拉丁, 第一關是帆船,後面的關卡有飛毯,每一關好像是吃完所有的罐子, 就過關了.罐子有字母,按照特定的順序吃,會有額外加分. 主角用腳踢的方式攻擊,可以一次踢中好幾個敵人,敵人有一種是烏鴉,還會合體. 請問這款遊戲的名稱是什麼?謝謝! -- ※ ...