(PS for XBox) PCSXBox v23 - 模擬器

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2018-06-08T10:51

Table of Contents


PCSXbox is a port of the PCSX emulator to Xbox. It emulates the Playstation1

PCSXBox v23 Changelog:

* Added in XA volume attenuation code from pcsx_re-armed. This fixes the
issue of the radio always playing in GTA 2. This should also fix any games
that rely on setting the XA volume to 0 to "turn off" sound or music.
Volume/control issues which existed in games that use XA for music should
also be fixed.

* Added in option to "Enable XA Attenuation (GTA 2, etc)- Yes/No". It
defaults to No. Although setting it to Yes fixes GTA 2 and possibly some
other games having it on may cause a slight framerate loss and also some
games seem to end up with distorted XA audio when using this code. So for now
we default to off. Set it to "on" if you suspect that a game that uses XA
audio is not properly functioning. Just keep in mind that the framerate may
drop some or the XA audio in cutscene movies may sound distorted as a result.

* Added global configuration option to "Show Playstation Logo Yes/No". You
can find it in Configuration->Global Emu Specific Options. I'm sure
XtecuterX73 will be a happy camper now. :D

* Added in the multitap code from pcsx re-armed. This allows many more
"multitap" capable games to work correctly. Previously the multitap option
appeared to only work with "Micro machines v3". The new code has been tested
with the following games. Crash Bash, Crash Team Racing, MicroMachines, NBA
Hangtime, NBA Jam, Rampage Through Time and Rampage 2: Universal Tour. Two
games that do not appear to operate correctly are Blast Chamber and College
Slam. However this could just be other core related issues because those
games seem to only function under the 1.5r core which handles the
aforementioned multitap games just fine.

* Mouse control now works for all cores. For some reason I had it only set
for core 1.5. (Doh!)

* Added in pcsx re-armed CD code for core 1.5 the "Use new CD code" has
options No, Yes and Re-Armed now. I have no idea if the Re-Armed cd code has
any advantage over the other ones. The only thing I do know is that Rayman
does not work with it.





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Gaming Historian-2018/6/5

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2018-06-07T21:00
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bluestacks 3N WASD鍵盤設置問題

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2018-06-06T22:26
我用bluestacks 3N 玩傳說對決時 設定好WASD虛擬鍵盤 也保存了 但每次關掉BS重開後 設定就會恢復初始化 爬文+GOOGLE都沒有看到相關的資訊 請問有可能發生的原因嗎? 謝謝 - ...

Gaming Historian-2018/6/5

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2018-06-05T19:51
我把目前手頭上翻好的GH全放出來 感謝J大花時間幫我審核 歡迎收看 星戰火狐特集 https://youtu.be/vzfVENbKKuU https://youtu.be/TFY_669XMmw https://youtu.be/0tYnT2HFbzw https://youtu.be/j3zBckbEj ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2018-06-05T19:42
※ 引述《mlev (大地彩妝果園)》之銘言: : 月光寶盒有人光明正大賣 : 那可以把ROM和模擬器光明正大的賣嗎? 要分開來看 rom(含bios或其他版權物)一定違法,這大家都知道atat 月光寶盒如果不含版權物就不違法,包了東西去賣當然違法,問題在於要不要抓 裝置或介面使用了版權物的圖像也會違法, ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-06-05T17:17
月光寶盒有人光明正大賣 那可以把ROM和模擬器光明正大的賣嗎? - ...