PicchioEngine_v0.0.1a - 模擬器

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-12-11T11:47

Table of Contents


This software is provided 'as is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event shall the author be held liable for any loss
or damage arising from the use of this software.
YOU USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! If you do not agree with these terms
you should delete PicchioEngine now.

Emulation Status
- CPU near to completion.
Missing things:
- RDY line mechanism not implemented.
- NMI not implemented(not physically used on the PC Engine).
- The precise timings of the lines IRQ1 and IRQ2 are unknown.
- The behavior during the first two cycles of the START/RESTART
sequence is unknown.
- The precise timing of the change of speed at the RESTART is unknown.
- The precise timing of the initialization of registers/bits at the
RESTART is unknown.
- If the SEL line(IO Port) is set at the RESET is unknown.
- RESTART not supported.
Excluding the preceding things, the emulated CPU is INDISTINGUISHABLE
from a real CPU.
This is the result of two years of work and hundreds of tests.
- PSG not implemented.
- VDC heavy incomplete.
- VCE preliminary.

System Requirements
- A graphic card with support for OpenGL and rectangular textures
(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB) of 2048x2048 pixels.
- A sound card with 2 stereo channels at 16bit and 48000Hz.
- SDL runtime library(not included).

Execute PicchioEngine from CLI with a rom image file as argument.

Key Assignments
escape - exit
up arrow - up
down arrow - down
left arrow - left
right arrow - right
1 - select
2 - run
3 - II
4 - I


All Comments

Dolphin SVN R1449

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2008-12-11T10:32
※ 引述《OPWaug (哼哼)》之銘言: 1449 http://www.nyleveia.com/daco/downloads/win_32/Dolphin_1449.zip http://www.nyleveia.com/daco/downloads/win_64/Dolphin_1449.zip ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-12-11T07:53
本作是算二代,基本上脫衣畫面比較有正常水準了(還是有個地雷就是了XD) 有興趣的玩家可以稍微碰碰,應該還不會太難過。 下述的中文名稱是參考MAME的中文版本翻譯。 日文名:麻雀放浪記・外伝 英文名:Mahjong Hourouki Gaiden 中文名:麻雀放浪記外傳 http://album.blog.ya ...

PCSX2 "半"設定手冊

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-12-11T00:18
※ 引述《keyetfa (MKJ)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《reiden (雷電,經典的STG(?))》之銘言: : : http://student.shu.edu.tw/~a95222011/pcsx2/ : : 原本只是為了論壇上,解決問題寫的東西,後來越寫越大XD : : 沒有 Step by St ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-12-10T22:19
應該可以在這問吧atat 我知道第四章要讓主角最後離開 可是其他章也要嗎? 昨晚結束第九章時我讓主角第一個進城 結果第十章只剩第九章沒出戰的人可以選 我以為是劇情問題 可是剛第十章結束 要打第十一章時人還是沒回來 該不會我的人馬就這樣不回來了吧 囧 我辦法挽救嗎?? 整個好洩氣啊 - ...


George avatar
By George
at 2008-12-10T21:58
由於一些個人因素,讓我今年本來想弄的巴哈站聚之Saturn版版聚臨時取消, (詳情請見巴哈姆特bbs站Saturn版) 但小弟得到RPG大姐的幫忙,得以在OldGames版攤位借用一角, 展出Sega Saturn的遊戲及遊玩。 但因為只有一個螢幕加上主機的關係, 所以目前只有遊玩Saturn遊戲,除了Sat ...