PCSX2 Playground rev 618 & Plugins - 模擬器

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2009-01-22T12:42

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PCSX2 Playground rev 618

PG rev 615 ZeroGS

rev 891 GSDX 1.14

http://re4rainbow.4shared.com/ Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/re4rainbow

Legend: '//blah-blah-blah//' or '/blah-blah-blah/' is re4rainbow's comment.
Just FYI.

Quoted from: http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2-playground/source/list

rev 618: Forgot to add the new BaseblockEx files from the prev commit. -_-

rev 617: Cleanups to iCore.cpp and other Dynarec code. Moved BASEBLOCKEX into
its own files/headers.

rev 616: Removed "noreturn" declspec from the iR5900-32.cpp Dispatcher
functions, which simply supressed the generation of an unreachable "ret" at
the end of the naked functions. GCC doesn't support the directive anyway.

Removed some __MINGW32__ specific code, and added a GCC-friendly #define for
declaring __naked functions. (another optimization directive in MSVC which
GCC doesn't support and/or ignores)

rev 615: ZeroGS: Applied the eol-style:native svn property to the DX version
of ZeroGS.

rev 614: ZeroGS: Fixed up the Win32 builds for OpenGL, and removed some
warnings from the DX version. Removed some of the redundant and unused
#defines from the project files (__WIN32__, __MSCW32__, etc).

Note: Compiling ZeroGS-OpenGL/Win32 requires the NVIDIA CG Toolkit.
Compiling ZeroGS-DX/Win32 requires the DirectX SDK.

rev 613: Added tmkk's PADDSW/PSUBSW opcodes which replace the slower
interpreter ones we used so far. Great job on those tmkk!

rev 612: Tweaked the forceinlines a bit, more speed :)

rev 611: Forceinlining these brings Fatal Frame from 159fps to 183 :)

rev 610: Fatal frame should work now. Also repaired a *slight* mistake I made

rev 609: deleted old mingw/dev++ project files

rev 608: lol i forgot to add the renamed iCOP0 files :D

rev 607: renamed iCP0 to iCOP0 to be consistent with the other COP files.
very minor VU micro work.

rev 606: Major bugfix/oopsie from r595 - I forgot to set the freezeregs flag,
so XMM regs were getting corrupted liberally.

Added proper implementations for COP0's branching functions (BC0F, BC0T, etc).

rev 605: updated Playground readme, and added some snapshots taken by
bositman which i will add to the main page.

rev 604: More work on the EE cycle counts, much closer to the real ps2 now.
Also added a quick method to determine what EE opcode is used by games ;)

rev 603: Full optimization gives a tad more speed ;)

rev 602: This is a branch for experimental dynarec changes, stay away or it
may bite you..

rev 601: Noticed a typo in Memory.cpp, from r577 changes.


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