(Wii / NGC) Dolphin SVN Revision 1855 - 模擬器

By Ethan
at 2009-01-22T10:22
at 2009-01-22T10:22
Table of Contents
January 20 2009
Wip - 1943
With a little motivation, The team was able to stabilize the code
for this release. Things to look forward to are fixed scanning in
Metroid Prime 1 and Metroid Prime 2. Metroid Prime 3 is still
having scanning issues but its getting better. Also, I have
noticed in many games the graphics are looking much better. Also,
ector was able to fix the crashing issues from the last few public
builds. Its been fixed. This build should be a lot more stable.
More notes on config changes and added visual options for wiimote.
So go grad r1943 and get testing and let us know in the forums.
On a side note. Nakee hasn't been around today so I posted the
win32 build. I can not make a win64 or linux builds. When they are
done and ready they will be posted under the downloads.
莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
※ 編輯: conpo 來自: (01/22 10:23)
Wip - 1943
With a little motivation, The team was able to stabilize the code
for this release. Things to look forward to are fixed scanning in
Metroid Prime 1 and Metroid Prime 2. Metroid Prime 3 is still
having scanning issues but its getting better. Also, I have
noticed in many games the graphics are looking much better. Also,
ector was able to fix the crashing issues from the last few public
builds. Its been fixed. This build should be a lot more stable.
More notes on config changes and added visual options for wiimote.
So go grad r1943 and get testing and let us know in the forums.
On a side note. Nakee hasn't been around today so I posted the
win32 build. I can not make a win64 or linux builds. When they are
done and ready they will be posted under the downloads.
莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
※ 編輯: conpo 來自: (01/22 10:23)
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