PCSX2 1.2.0 released! - 模擬器

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2014-02-02T22:49

Table of Contents


It has been a year and a half since our first major release and as promised
we decided PCSX2 has progressed enough for yet another stable release.
Needless to say, we have been continuing our hard work since then to further
improve the emulator, adding new features and fixing more bugs.

As I'm sure many of you have been following the SVN revisions and have
noticed the changes we have made in this time and many of you even assisted
in finding problems for us to fix, so a big thank you to all those who helped

One big change in this release is the integration of the wide screen patches
made by the community for the community numbering nearly 1200 games patched
to support proper 16:9 aspect ratio. A huge thanks to everyone who has
contributed for this and keep up the great job

Here are a rundown of the biggest changes in this release:


-microVU fixes for Dreamworks games, later Tony Hawks games, Evil Dead and
-Fixes to New GIF unit to solve regressions
-microVU bugs fixed (affecting Extreme-G Racing and others)
-CDVD fixes (Impossible Mission now boots)
-Path 3 arbitration and timing refinements
-MFIFO fixes for DDR games
-Huge DMAC bug fix solving most of the problematic videos. (Baldurs Gate 2,
Katamari Damacy and more)
-Memory card support improved in many games, now supports PSX memory cards
also Multitap support improved greatly
-Many game fixes for COP2 problems inherent with emulation. (Ace Combat,
Forbidden Siren and others)
-VIF Unpack optimizations
-VU Delays added to fix the graphics of Snowblind engine games (Champions of
Norrath, Baldurs Gate 2)
-Various other game specific fixes in GameDB
-NVM file creation (if one doesn't exist) now fills in iLink ident. (Age of
Empires 2)

-Improved DMA system
-Fixes to reverb
-Improved time-stretcher recovery on extreme speed changes.
-Portaudio (providing WASAPI in Windows, ALSA/+OSS in Linux) now supported
and the default output module. Latencies with this mode are lower than other

-Improved adapter selection for detecting of videocards
-CLUT (Color LookUp Table) fixes for games such as Disney Golf
-Texture Offset options added to help improve upscaling artifacts
-OpenGL mode added (Experimental currently)
-Various CRC hacks
-Hack for NVIDIA cards, solves problems with stretching on drivers above
-New shader resources! Complete PCSX2 FX Revised 2.0 by Asmodean has been

-Improved support for online play and make the users MAC address unique.


-Support for external patch (pnach) files

OnePad changes:
-Bugfixes for multiple button presses
-Bugfixed memory leaks

-Added support for MESA drivers
-Bump OpenGL requirement to 3.0 with floating texture
-Various OpenGL fixes

- Added SDL Backend

The PCSX2 executable has been built and tested with PGO optimizations enabled
so it will be an extra 10% faster over regular SVN builds.

We hope you enjoy this release and have fun playing your games on it!

Here's to the future of PCSX2!


All Comments

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2014-02-03T17:45
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2014-02-05T19:29
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-02-08T16:03
剛好搭配 DQ8 作測試呢 XD
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2014-02-09T10:03
我沒辦法使用1.2.0呢 因為卡在microsoft visual c++ 2013
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2014-02-11T13:50
redistributable(x86) 這裡無法成功安裝 上網看了一下教學
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2014-02-12T14:24
還是有點難懂 不知道有沒有解決的辦法呢
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2014-02-15T08:31
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2014-02-20T02:12
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2014-02-22T12:46
也可以拿 VP2 來測試了
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2014-02-22T19:38
VP2漢化 出現
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2014-02-22T21:18


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2014-02-02T22:34
剛剛GOOGLE得知有個程式叫MaxDrive,燒到光碟裡給PS2吃就可以把記憶卡的記錄給 備份到電腦或隨身碟上,不過我的主機沒有改過機,PS2吃這個程式燒成的光碟嗎?? 還有這個東西所存下來的格式是.max的檔名,爬文得知有程式可以轉換成ps2模擬器 的存檔格式,這樣它可以轉.max的格式嗎,我ps2有很 ...

FC NES Little Samson 聖鈴傳說

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2014-02-01T11:37
最近心得文連發 大概是因為過年沒出去玩,只想爛在家裡打電動0rz 這款聖鈴傳說,是fc比較後期的作品 當時知道的人應該不算多 我也是這幾年看實況跟ptt才知道有這個遊戲 遊戲系統上 有四個角色 人類可以攀牆,會丟鈴鐺 龍的話會短暫飛翔,吐的火球有一個往上的軌跡,而且火球還可以 ...

MemcardRex v1.8

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2014-01-31T22:50
http://shendosoft.blogspot.fr/ A newest release of MemcardRex is here, grab it while itand#39;s hot. Changelog: ‧Fixed a crash if and#34;File-andgt;Quit ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2014-01-31T18:09
這一篇就會談到武器製作/改造的事件,所以下一篇會先貼關於這部分的補充文。 大概最複雜的就在那邊吧(汗) 順便在這一篇,結束エスカデ篇的主線攻略。 ═══════════════════════════════════════ ˙(21/68)[鍛冶屋ただいま閉店中] 0.照慣例先來個安置AF吧 ...

square enix釋出16bit版FF XIII劇情回顧

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-01-31T14:34
為了替預定 2 月 11 日在美國推出的 PS3 / Xbox 360 角色扮演遊戲《雷光歸來 Final Fantasy XIII》宣傳,SQUARE ENIX 日前特別製作了一段 16 位元風格的《Final Fantasy XIII》系列劇情回顧宣傳影片,透過宛如超級任天堂(SFC)世代的 2D 點陣繪 ...