PCSX Rerecording v0.000006 - 模擬器

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-08-29T19:46

Table of Contents


PCSX Rerecording v0.000006:

Another minor update with some things suggested by Hellfish and a new Input

Full changelog:
-Lag counter
-New hotkey:
"0": Lag Counter Reset
-Frame counter keeps going after the movie ends and it shows a "no movie"
-Input display
-Fixed "Tab" hotkey function
-Other minor bug fixes


PCSX Rerecording v0.000005:

What′s new:
-Everything pirate_sephiroth was complaining about.
These are the new keys:

Shift+F1-F9: Save State
F1-F9: Load State
Shift+8: Read-Only Toggle
P: Pause
Space Bar: Frame Advance
"]" (in US keyboards only): Frame Advance
Tab: Fast Forward
-Speed Controls:
Numpad 1-Numpad 6: 1fps/4fps/9fps/15fps/22fps/30fps
Numpad 0: Normal Speed (60fps in most cases)
Numpad .: Turbo Mode

I′ve added the "Tab" hotkey which functions like the "Fast Forward" in other
TAS emulators. You can also copy the "gpuPeopsSoft.dll" file to the ePSXe
folder and this function will be available there too.
Also, the bug reported by Hellfish hopefully is fixed now.


PCSX Rerecording v0.000004:

A new release with some easy stuff that should have been there since the

What′s new:
-There′s only one executable file now, and two new File menu options:
"Record Movie" and "Replay Movie".
-New key: "0": Read-Only toggle.
-A real frame counter, which also shows the correct number after you load a
-New movie format. Input is saved to the movie file each frame, even if the
joypad hasn′t been polled (lag). This seems to improve synchronization when
using different SPU plugins. Movies made with previous PCSX versions won′t
work in this version, but I can convert them easily if anyone needs them.
-The frame counter now is also displayed on the lower left corner of the

This way, PCSX messages won′t hide it when they appear.

(Thanks to DarkKobold. I′ve borrowed some of his ideas in the source code he
showed me some time ago. )


PCSX Rerecording v0.000001:

IMPORTANT: you will have TONS of desyncs if you don′t follow these steps
1) Get scph1001.bin and put it inside the "./bios" folder.
2) Configure your Plugins & Bios as follows:
*Sound: "No Sound 0.4". Then you can change this one when you′re replaying
your movie, but select this one when you′re recording to prevent desyncs
*Bios: "scph1001.bin". Don′t use the internal bios; it′s really buggy and
it causes a lot of desyncs when you have the sound enabled.

1-9: Save State
F1-F9: Load State
-Speed Controls:
Numpad 1-Numpad 6: 1fps/5fps/10fps/15fps/20fps/30fps
Numpad 0: Normal Speed (60fps in most cases)
Numpad .: Turbo Mode

Use "pcsx-replay.exe" to replay a movie and "pcsx-rerecord.exe" to record.
It will automatically use the file "movie.txt" until I make some nice
dialogs and a decent file format.

Known bugs:
Too many. Use this under your own risk and make backups often if you′re
doing (you shouldn′t) anything serious with it.


All Comments


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-08-29T13:30
名稱:魔物獵人—妖子:第七の警鐘(Devil Hunter Yohko - The Seven Bells) 載圖:封面 http://www.badongo.com/pic/4337916 遊戲 http://www.badongo.com/pic/4337918 ...

想請教板上的高手 尋找一個民國80年初的遊戲...

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2008-08-29T00:23
◎.求檔前請先參閱板規,並請依照格式撰寫(本文可用 Ctrl+y 消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:大型機台 內容陳述:他是屬於動作射擊遊戲 每次過關之後可以買武器 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-08-28T14:08
當初的街頭鬥士到了10年後的今天下落如何, 這個由幽默學院製作的「快打旋風後傳」將引領你一探究竟。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLrWgVPeCzI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyx4nETMVfc http://www.you ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2008-08-28T14:03
雖然年代久遠,不過這款遊戲在我心中依然留下深刻的印象。 這是一款Saga的橫向捲軸動作遊戲。 當初在表哥家玩,覺得很好玩不過沒仔細注意他的名字。 遊戲內容大致是這樣,主角吃到不同的頭盔可以變成不同的形態。 只記得其中一種吃了乍看之下沒什麼特殊的,但其實可以爬牆。 (當時不知道這功能的時候在某些地方還卡關頗久 ...

PCSX Rerecording v0.000005

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2008-08-28T11:46
一個支援錄影功能的PS模擬器。 2008.08.27 - Everything pirate_sephiroth was complaining about. :P These are the new keys: - Savestates: ...