(PC) VirtualBox v5.1.20 - 模擬器

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-04-22T11:21

Table of Contents


VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86/x64 hardware.
Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only
professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source

VirtualBox v5.1.20 Changelog:

* GUI: don't check if the Extension Pack is up-to-date if the user is about
to install a new Extension Pack (bug #16317)
* GUI: fixed a possible crash when switching a multi-monitor VM into
full-screen or seamless mode
* GUI: fixed non-literal shortcuts if the keyboard is not captured (5.1.10
regression; Windows hosts only)
* GUI: several mini-toolbar fixes in full-screen / seamless mode (X11 hosts
* GUI: don't crash on restoring defaults in the appliance import dialog

* Windows Additions: another fix for automatic logins for Windows Vista and
newer (bug #15904)

* ICH9: fix for Windows guests with a huge amount (>64G) of guest memory

* BIOS: fixed El Torito hard disk emulation geometry calculation (thanks
Dwight Engen)





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By Susan
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By Connor
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