(Multi-System) vdmgr v0.1.6 - 模擬器

Una avatar
By Una
at 2017-04-19T20:40

Table of Contents


vdmgr is a multi-system emulator that emulates the NES, NeoGeo Pocket, Sega
SG-1000 / Mark III, MCS BASIC-52, TD 4, GMC-4, Z80 computers and MSX.

vdmgr v0.1.6 changelog:

Z80 video game
Since I got permission to use the farm, I attached a farm.

Libvdmgr / vdmgr
Added pause.
When loading error in debugger, change log window so that it is active.
Fixed vdmgr falling when ending with the data recorder playing.
At the first startup, changed to look at the user's locale and set the
language. .

Corresponding to Mapper 190
Fixed not referring to ROM database.
Fixed incorrect x position of screen division of MMC 5.
Fixed the scroll of fractional position in y direction of screen division of
MMC 5.
Fixed wrong valid bit of extended sound source of MMC 5.
It corresponds to the PCM reading mode of MMC 5 (interrupt not supported).
MMC 5 NES 2.0 compatible.
Fixed that the first bank at the time of VRC 7 reset was wrong.
It corresponds to NES file output from assembler.
Corrected address abnormality at bank switching of assembler.
Fixed that bracket could not be processed correctly by assembler.
Add assembler macros and functions, pseudo instructions such as reading bit
map files.
Added "Darius mock" to the assembler and MMC 5 samples.

Fixed that sprite drawing priority was reversed.
Supports double display of sprite.
Fixed to update the VRAM address after register writing of VDP 315-5124 (same
as TMS9918).
Fix that the sprite of the NAME / SPR / PTN / COL window is not displayed
correctly when the sprite is 8 × 16.
ROM database added.
Corresponds to the CODEMASTERS mapper (resolution of 256 × 224 is not

Flash writer
Added a reload button.
If the size of the write data is the same as that of the last read data,
change the setting so that it does not initialize





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Adrenaline-3 released!

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-04-18T13:15
https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/Adrenaline/blob/master/readme.txt https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/Adrenaline/releases/tag/3.00 That was quite quick! ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2017-04-17T15:55
這邊的分段滿難抓的,反正就大概寫個段落就切吧atat ═══════════════════════════════════════ 【アガタの森/縣之森】 ˙簡易流程 探索找到細長通路內的封鎖入口 →用[輝玉]炸開門,進入其中 →對塞芽使用[櫻花]發動大神降臨,取得幸玉 ...

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By Zanna
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By Poppy
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尋找一個舊遊戲 RPG (SFC or PS)

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2017-04-14T13:09
應該是在1997左右年玩到這個遊戲, 但是當時可能不是新遊戲, 因為年代久遠, 記憶模糊 , 以下是記得的一些點, 請求大神幫忙, 謝謝 -- 日文, 應該不是超紅的遊戲 -- RPG, 畫面精美 (應該是2D) -- 主角是男性 -- 內容懸疑, 遊戲色調偏暗 -- 記得曾經進到畫廊還是博物館 ...