PC: Dioscuri v0.5.0 - 模擬器

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-03-24T09:14

Table of Contents


Dioscuri is an x86 computer hardware emulator written in Java. It is designed
by the digital preservation community to ensure documents and programs from
the past can still be accessed in the future.
The Dioscuri emulator has two key features: it is durable and flexible.
Because it is implemented in Java, it can be ported to any computer platform
which supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), without any extra effort. This
reduces the risk that emulation will fail to work on a single architecture in
the future, as it will continue to work on another architecture.
Dioscuri is flexible because it is completely component-based. Each hardware
component is emulated by a software surrogate called a module. Combining
several modules allows the user to configure any computer system, as long as
these modules are compatible. New or upgraded modules can be added to the
software library, giving the emulator the capability to run these.

18 March 2010
A new release of Dioscuri has been made available by the Dioscuri project
team. The new version (0.5.0) offers the following improvements:

- improved command-line interface options
- updated GUI
- Dioscuri can now be executed from any location on the host system and still
finds it's configuration- and image files stored in the application folder
- started working on unit tests for CPU instructions
- improved Javadoc API
- various bugs fixes

This is the first release of Dioscuri in cooperation with the KEEP project.

For an overview of the full change history, please check the changelog.


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