P.E.Op.S. DSound PSX SPU v1.10b SVN 6 - 模擬器

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-09-05T23:28

Table of Contents


- Fix Zinc support
- Fix output buffering (DSound)
- Change emu lag tolerance (DSound)
- Maybe fix SVN5 game freezes

1) Configure plugin in psx emulator for Zinc first
- Main volume = sound effects volume
- QSound volume = Zinc emu-controlled

2) There's a bug that could cause a skip in sound when save / load stating.
So it should be gone now. Response time should be better now.

XA streaming would be easier to detect this (being higher frequency)

3) ~3 second pad buffer is always maintained now. Which gives the emu at
least 2.9 seconds to draw one vsync frame. Save stating should be smoother
and maybe 'pause' but not garble out with old data.

4) Don't know why SVN5 optimization would break the spu. Seems really odd.
Changed it around to handle Pete's reverb better. And maybe not break Neill's

Hopefully that's the end.
- If Grandia PAL still freezes, mention -where- it freezes. And how often.
And if some of the earlier builds fixes it. Or whether it works with Eternal.
(If I'm not interested enough in fixing it, I won't put in the time).

The audio skip bug works like this:
[latency pad][2 ms data][garbage][streaming data]

We remove that small part of 'garbage' or 'dummy' data and the skip should go

There is a condition that does briefly garble save stating (more like
distortion). It's complicated enough to not bother fixing this (and happens
less than occasionally).


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Oscar avatar
By Oscar
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Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-09-05T22:46
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