OpenBor DOUBLE DRAGON REMIX V.1.1.0 - 模擬器

By Hamiltion
at 2016-12-30T19:29
at 2016-12-30T19:29
Table of Contents
FC加強版又更新了 (之前就說過年底發布) 載點最下面
DD2 Missoin2
DD2 Mission7
Double Dragon Remix v.1.1.0
Famous Beat em up about the adventures of two brothers.
What's New:
Version 1.1.0.
- The game is adapted, under the new version of the engine OpenBOR Build
44xx. Except OpenBOR Build 4417.
- Remote mode Double Dragon III Mode B
- Fixed a bug with the "continuation" in the Double Dragon III.
- Remove the inner debris.
- Overwrite nearly all music from MKLIUKANG1
- Removed flash
- Removed the inscription "CTAPT"
- The new logo, intro.
- In the DD2 at 8 game could fly. exit the game and then download the game.
Double Dragon:
- Edit all levels (bug fixes)
- Fixed ladders
- Edit all levels (in terms of the graph) from ArcherNorinton
- Added nekotrye sounds from DD1
- At the level of "Industrial Area" removed the bridge
- Removed music "Boss Theme"
Double Dragon II:
- Edit all levels (bug fixes)
- Fixed ladders
- Now, to make a rotating strike. You need to quickly press a blow to his
feet when the character starts to jump.
- Changed level 2
- Added nekotrye sounds from DD2
- Changed the usual blow with the fist
- Added a new room in Mission 7
- Reworked ninja. Just processed weapon. (Tepere jumping ninja throwing knife)
- Edited reception Hurrican Kick
- Added a new location in Mission 4
- Animated helicopter on level 2 from ArcherNorinton
- Reworked Billy and Jimmy from ArcherNorinton
Double Dragon III:
- Edit all levels (bug fixes)
- Fixed a problem with the camera Billy
- Moved text "Brett"
- Amendment of doors locations Dojo
- Added the door on the Street level
- Corrections to the levels of "China" on the 2 locations.
- Edited the level of "Italy"
- Edited level "Room"
- Now that revives Noriam begins to play her theme!
- Daby added to the reaction to Grab Attack with the knee
- Removed function deployment in the jump
- In Boos Chin and reduced life Randzo
- During the fall of the wall, the characters begin to fly off.
- Changed the platform at the level of "Mystic Pyramid"
- Added the ability to climb stairs
- Edited Ranzou
P.S. We still do not have time to do, and everything will be dorabatyvatsya
in Double Dragon Remix v. 1.1.1.
Download For Windows:
Download Pak:
All Comments

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