NesDS v0.50b - 模擬器

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-05-20T13:03

Table of Contents

NesDS v0.50b is released. NesDS is a public-domain NES emulator for the
Nintendo DS. The code was originally written in the commercial Nintendo DS
devkit. This project's first milestone is to port that code to the
open-source devkit.

NesDS v0.50b Changelog:

nesDS.ini commented.
nesDS.ini: ScreenSwap added. If your DS' top-screen did not work well, set
this value to 1.
mapper 19, 71, 118 updated.
NES cycles-per-scanline modified to 121, to make the graphic more smooth.
E.g. tmnt, Akumajou Densetsu.... Also makes Joe&Mac work fine.
A sound bug fixed, which may cause a panic....
Sub-screen will be closed if there is a NES_RESET.
Cheat list can be loaded/saved from/to a file. EXTENTION:.cht
FrameSkip for Pure-Soft rendering can be adjusted. If you have a DSi,
frameskip 1 would be OK; For DS/DSL, frameskip 2 is recommended.
frameskip 1 means that the graphic is updated at 30fps. 2 for 20fps. On the
older nesDS, frameskip 2 equals to 30fps.
sprite0y changed, which makes the graphic better. e.g. Super Mario...
CRAM added..


All Comments

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-05-23T06:55
...昨天抓a2 現在出b...太快了吧


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2011-05-20T11:58
很久沒有參與板上的討論 亂入一下好了 人家說 行有行規 板有板規 我想到這邊來 先熟悉一下這邊的規則跟生態是比較好的 雖然我不喜歡看到酸文是真的! 但是有幾個重點就是 1.如果說謊 也得要說個大家可以維持住場面的謊 因為你講的謊(就是沒有去查過任何資料)太容易被識破了 2.每個地方都有每個地方 ...

請問Demul 0.5.6 即時存檔

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-05-20T11:30
好不容易可以使用demul,之前都用Nulldc 不過卻無法使用即時存檔功能? 請問這版是否要設定? 我有格式化記憶卡,有開一個新的Vms 因為我第一次使用,請幫我解決,謝謝。 - ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2011-05-20T01:54
※ [本文轉錄自 SRW 看板 #1DrLZxa_ ] 作者: seedhyper (國光石化不要來) 看板: SRW 標題: [問題] 有找到機戰2g的金手指-但有些問題 時間: Fri May 20 01:52:57 2011 ...

任天堂紅白機遊戲-Dragon spirit

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-05-19T23:43
這次跟各位聊的,也是筆者在小時候玩過, 後來卻是因為另一個音樂遊戲而找到它之後,才能重新在模擬器上回味的- and#34;Dragon Spiritand#34;(龍魂) 為何會這麼說呢?這和遊戲廠商NAMCO有關係:P Dragon Spirit是1987年NAMCO公司所製作的直向捲軸射擊遊戲, 曾 ...

XM6i v0.30

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2011-05-19T23:11 0.30 (2011/05/16) o 設定ファイル周りを大幅変更。 ランチャ設定ファイルを用意。VM 設定ファイルは従来のものと互換性なし。 -c オプションは設定ファイルのみ受け付けるよう変更。 o ...