(NES for 3DS) Virtuanes_3DS v0.90 - 模擬器

By Kyle
at 2017-03-27T13:37
at 2017-03-27T13:37
Table of Contents
This is a port of VirtuaNES to 3DS as an alternative to existing NES
emulators. It used to be considered one of the best emulators before FCE and
Nestopia, and it runs quite fast for lower spec-ed computers (at the cost of
some emulation accuracy). But because of that, the Old 3DS / 2DS is able to
benefit from this fast running emulator core. This runs full speed on an old
3DS / 2DS with support for tonnes of mappers. Although it doesn't support
every single mapper, the library of games that can run on this are probably
fairly huge already.
As always this will also work on a new 3DS.
Homebrew Launcher:
- Copy virtuanes_3ds.3dsx, virtuanes_3ds.smdh and virtuanes_3ds_top.png into
the /3ds/virtuanes_3ds on your SD card.
- Place your NES ROMs inside any folder.
- Go to your Homebrew Launcher (either via Cubic Ninja, Soundhax or other entry
points) and launch the virtuanes_3ds emulator.
CIA Version:
- Use your favorite CIA installer to install virtuanes_3ds.cia into your CFW.
- You can also use FBI to download from TitleDB.
- Place your NES ROMs inside any folder.
- Copy virtuanes_3ds_top.png to ROOT of your SD card.
- Exit your CIA installer and go to your CFW's home screen to launch the app.
When in-game:
- Tap the bottom screen for the menu.
- Use Up/Down to choose option, and A to confirm. (Hold down X while pressing
Up/Down to Page Up/Page Down)
- Use Left/Right to change between ROM selection and emulator options.
- You can quit the emulator to your homebrew launcher / your CFW's home screen.
What's Supported:
1. Lots of mappers (*ROM mappers; MMC1,3,5,6; VRC1,2,3,4,6,7; and tonnes of
2. Enable/Disable of flickering sprites
(sprites in the games on real hardware flicker due to hardware limitation,
but an emulator can ignore these limitations for a better visual output)
3. Sound generation at a nice 32000 Hz with a low pass filter.
4. Button configuration, and setting of rapid fire rate (no rapid fire, to
very very fast)
What's missing:
1. Cheats
2. Some odd synchronisation bugs with sound generation causing some notes /
effects to sound weird once in every 10-20 seconds. (especially for games
with special sound chips on their mappers)
Feedback / bug reports are welcome as usual.
This is a port of VirtuaNES to 3DS as an alternative to existing NES
emulators. It used to be considered one of the best emulators before FCE and
Nestopia, and it runs quite fast for lower spec-ed computers (at the cost of
some emulation accuracy). But because of that, the Old 3DS / 2DS is able to
benefit from this fast running emulator core. This runs full speed on an old
3DS / 2DS with support for tonnes of mappers. Although it doesn't support
every single mapper, the library of games that can run on this are probably
fairly huge already.
As always this will also work on a new 3DS.
Homebrew Launcher:
- Copy virtuanes_3ds.3dsx, virtuanes_3ds.smdh and virtuanes_3ds_top.png into
the /3ds/virtuanes_3ds on your SD card.
- Place your NES ROMs inside any folder.
- Go to your Homebrew Launcher (either via Cubic Ninja, Soundhax or other entry
points) and launch the virtuanes_3ds emulator.
CIA Version:
- Use your favorite CIA installer to install virtuanes_3ds.cia into your CFW.
- You can also use FBI to download from TitleDB.
- Place your NES ROMs inside any folder.
- Copy virtuanes_3ds_top.png to ROOT of your SD card.
- Exit your CIA installer and go to your CFW's home screen to launch the app.
When in-game:
- Tap the bottom screen for the menu.
- Use Up/Down to choose option, and A to confirm. (Hold down X while pressing
Up/Down to Page Up/Page Down)
- Use Left/Right to change between ROM selection and emulator options.
- You can quit the emulator to your homebrew launcher / your CFW's home screen.
What's Supported:
1. Lots of mappers (*ROM mappers; MMC1,3,5,6; VRC1,2,3,4,6,7; and tonnes of
2. Enable/Disable of flickering sprites
(sprites in the games on real hardware flicker due to hardware limitation,
but an emulator can ignore these limitations for a better visual output)
3. Sound generation at a nice 32000 Hz with a low pass filter.
4. Button configuration, and setting of rapid fire rate (no rapid fire, to
very very fast)
What's missing:
1. Cheats
2. Some odd synchronisation bugs with sound generation causing some notes /
effects to sound weird once in every 10-20 seconds. (especially for games
with special sound chips on their mappers)
Feedback / bug reports are welcome as usual.
All Comments
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