(NES) BassNES v0.4.0 - 模擬器

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-06-07T13:41

Table of Contents


An NES emulator written in Java. The emulator itself is pretty darn accurate.
Boasting cycle accuracy and well timed components.

Currently supported mappers:

These mappers give a good mix of compatibility covering most games for the

Extra Features:

* NSF Player (.nsf only)
* Controller input via Jinput
* Fully Customizable NTSC filter.
* Volume control on a per-channel basis.
* Audio Visualizer with an oscilloscope and piano keyboard
* Save States! (hotkeys are CTRL+(number key) to save and SHIFT+(number key)
to load)
* A library version of the BassNES core is provided for inclusion in other
projects. It includes everything and provides an interface for video and
audio callback in the style of liberto. Documentation included.

System Requirements:

* Minimum 1.2 GHZ dual core for full speed.
Unimplemented (Planned) Features:
* More Mappers!
* FDS support
* Significantly tested PAL support (has experimental support)
* Debugging tools such as a memory, name table and pattern table viewers
* Continued optimization to reach goal of 0.86 GHZ as the minimum dual core
cpu speed.

BassNES v0.4.0 Changelog:

This project final has a name. Now I can stop call it just "my emulator."
New Features:

* Colored keys on the piano keyboard!
* Help menu with an option to open the github issue submission webpage.
* About page is added!

Bug Fixes:

* Audio sampling rate wasn't updating properly.
* Change to NSF Player to fix banking.


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ポーカーフェイス一発病 チェンジアップ
力配分 寸前 http://perry0517a.blogspot.tw/


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