(Neo-Geo) NeoRAGEx v5.2 - 模擬器

By Cara
at 2009-03-10T11:03
at 2009-03-10T11:03
Table of Contents
New Features
- For the first time, all unibios versions works with NeoRAGEx
- Unibios now works in both Console and Arcade modes
- Added the new ’snk-neo.dll’, developed by Romhack
- Added MISC menu, with four new options
- Added BIOS selector
- Added IPS function, allowing to use hacks without patching
needs (P1, S1 and V data for now)
- Added IPS selector (enable/disable use)
- Added options to generate DAT files for RomCenter and ClrMAME Pro
- Added the IPS path in the emulator’s folder options
- Added the HQ2X, 2xPM, Eagle, SuperScale, SuperScale75,
2xSaI, Super2xSaI,
- SuperEagle and Scale2x Blitters (enable SoftFX Mode to use it)
- Added a Blitter selector
- Added language support through the ‘language.ini’ file, which
must be in the same folder as the emulator itself. You can use
se the template file ‘
- language_template.ini’ to make your own translation
- You can now change the background image, using an image file
called ’skin.bmp’ that must be placed in the same folder as
the emulator
- Support to 24-bitdepth images for background, without color
issues, since the textboxes now have actual transparencies
- The MCARDs emulation is complete (at last), now supporting
save & load functions
- The cursors also has skin support. The pointer file must be
named as ‘point.bmp’ and the hourglass file must be named
as ‘load.bmp’
- Fixed black screen and Z80 Error in Bang Bead
- Fixed Z80 Error in Captain Tomaday
- Fixed freezing in the 3rd round in Garou, when using Rock against Terry
- Fixed slowdowns in Strikers 1945 Plus
- Fixed Z80 Error in Zed Blade
- There’s no slowdowns when closing the emulator in certain
CPUs with higher clocks anymore
Games Added to the List
- [cnbe] Codename - Blut Engel
- [fr2ch] Final Romance 2
- [frogfest] Frog Feast
- [mslug3-5a] Metal Slug 6
Updated games
- [3countb] 3 Count Bout (m1|p1)
- [aof] Art of Fighting (m1)
- [bjourney] Blue’s Journey (m1)
- [breakrev] Breakers Revenge (c5|c6)
- [bstars] Baseball Stars Professional (m1)
- [bstars2] Baseball Stars 2 (m1)
- [fatfury1] Fatal Fury (m1)
- [fightfev] Fight Fever (p1|s1|v2)
- [ganryu] Musashi Ganryuuki (p1)
- [goalx3] Goal! Goal! Goal! (m1)
- [janshin] Jyanshin Densetsu (m1)
- [joyjoy] Joy Joy Kid (m1)
- [kof95] The King of Fighters ‘95 (v2)
- [kof96] The King of Fighters ‘96 (p1)
- [kof97] The King of Fighters ‘97 (p1)
- [kof2000] The King of Fighters 2000 (m1)
- [kof2001] The King of Fighters 2001 (m1)
- [kotm] King of the Monsters (m1)
- [lastblad] The Last Blade (p1)
- [lbowling] League Bowling (m1)
- [legendos] Legend of Success Joe (m1)
- [maglord] Magician Lord (m1)
- [mahretsu] Mahjong Kyoretsuden (m1|s1)
- [marukodq] Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz (c1|c2|s1)
- [matrim] Power Instinct Matrimelee (c1)
- [mosyougi] Syougi No Tatsujin (s1)
- [neogeo] Neo Geo BIOS (ng-lo|ng-sfix|ng-sm1|uni-bios)
- [nam1975] NAM-1975 (m1|s1)
- [neomrdo] Neo Mr. Do! (s1)
- [panicbom] Panic Bomber (p1)
- [pbobblen] Puzzle Bobble (p1)
- [puzzledp] Puzzle De Pon! (s1)
- [quizkof] Quiz King of Fighters (c2)
- [rbff2] Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (p1|v3|v4)
- [ridhero] Riding Hero (m1|p1|s1)
- [roboarmy] Robo Army (m1)
- [samsho] Samurai Shodown (c5|c6|p1|p2)
- [shocktro] Shock Troopers (c1~c8|p1|p2)
- [socbrawl] Soccer Brawl (m1|s1)
- [sonicwi2] Aero Fighters 2 (v2)
- [sonicwi3] Aero Fighters 3 (v2)
- [spinmast] Spin Master (p2)
- [strhoop] Street Hoop (m1)
- [superspy] The Super Spy (m1|v12|v21)
- [tpgolf] Top Player’s Golf (c3|c4|m1)
- [tws96] Tecmo World Soccer ‘96 (m1)
- [viewpoin] Viewpoint (m1|s1)
- [wh1] World Heroes (p1|p2)
- [wh2j] World Heroes 2 Jet (c1~c4)
- [samsho5] Samurai Shodown V (m1)
- [mslug4] Metal Slug 4 (m1)
- [mslug5] Metal Slug 5 (c1~c4|m1|v1)
- [mslug5-5a] Metal Slug 5 Plus (p2|p3)
- [mslugx] Metal Slug X (p1)
- [kof2003] The King of Fighters 2003 (m1|s1)
- [kofse2k4] The King of Fighters Special 2004 (v1|v2)
- [kof10th] The King of Fighters 10th (c1~c16)
- [kf10thep] The King of Fighters 10th Extra + (c1~c16|m1|p1~p3|v1|v2)
- [kof10th-5a] The King of Fighters 10th Unique (p1|p2)
Note: Some ROMS were renamed. Please check your ROMsets using
RomCenter or ClrMamePro
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莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
New Features
- For the first time, all unibios versions works with NeoRAGEx
- Unibios now works in both Console and Arcade modes
- Added the new ’snk-neo.dll’, developed by Romhack
- Added MISC menu, with four new options
- Added BIOS selector
- Added IPS function, allowing to use hacks without patching
needs (P1, S1 and V data for now)
- Added IPS selector (enable/disable use)
- Added options to generate DAT files for RomCenter and ClrMAME Pro
- Added the IPS path in the emulator’s folder options
- Added the HQ2X, 2xPM, Eagle, SuperScale, SuperScale75,
2xSaI, Super2xSaI,
- SuperEagle and Scale2x Blitters (enable SoftFX Mode to use it)
- Added a Blitter selector
- Added language support through the ‘language.ini’ file, which
must be in the same folder as the emulator itself. You can use
se the template file ‘
- language_template.ini’ to make your own translation
- You can now change the background image, using an image file
called ’skin.bmp’ that must be placed in the same folder as
the emulator
- Support to 24-bitdepth images for background, without color
issues, since the textboxes now have actual transparencies
- The MCARDs emulation is complete (at last), now supporting
save & load functions
- The cursors also has skin support. The pointer file must be
named as ‘point.bmp’ and the hourglass file must be named
as ‘load.bmp’
- Fixed black screen and Z80 Error in Bang Bead
- Fixed Z80 Error in Captain Tomaday
- Fixed freezing in the 3rd round in Garou, when using Rock against Terry
- Fixed slowdowns in Strikers 1945 Plus
- Fixed Z80 Error in Zed Blade
- There’s no slowdowns when closing the emulator in certain
CPUs with higher clocks anymore
Games Added to the List
- [cnbe] Codename - Blut Engel
- [fr2ch] Final Romance 2
- [frogfest] Frog Feast
- [mslug3-5a] Metal Slug 6
Updated games
- [3countb] 3 Count Bout (m1|p1)
- [aof] Art of Fighting (m1)
- [bjourney] Blue’s Journey (m1)
- [breakrev] Breakers Revenge (c5|c6)
- [bstars] Baseball Stars Professional (m1)
- [bstars2] Baseball Stars 2 (m1)
- [fatfury1] Fatal Fury (m1)
- [fightfev] Fight Fever (p1|s1|v2)
- [ganryu] Musashi Ganryuuki (p1)
- [goalx3] Goal! Goal! Goal! (m1)
- [janshin] Jyanshin Densetsu (m1)
- [joyjoy] Joy Joy Kid (m1)
- [kof95] The King of Fighters ‘95 (v2)
- [kof96] The King of Fighters ‘96 (p1)
- [kof97] The King of Fighters ‘97 (p1)
- [kof2000] The King of Fighters 2000 (m1)
- [kof2001] The King of Fighters 2001 (m1)
- [kotm] King of the Monsters (m1)
- [lastblad] The Last Blade (p1)
- [lbowling] League Bowling (m1)
- [legendos] Legend of Success Joe (m1)
- [maglord] Magician Lord (m1)
- [mahretsu] Mahjong Kyoretsuden (m1|s1)
- [marukodq] Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz (c1|c2|s1)
- [matrim] Power Instinct Matrimelee (c1)
- [mosyougi] Syougi No Tatsujin (s1)
- [neogeo] Neo Geo BIOS (ng-lo|ng-sfix|ng-sm1|uni-bios)
- [nam1975] NAM-1975 (m1|s1)
- [neomrdo] Neo Mr. Do! (s1)
- [panicbom] Panic Bomber (p1)
- [pbobblen] Puzzle Bobble (p1)
- [puzzledp] Puzzle De Pon! (s1)
- [quizkof] Quiz King of Fighters (c2)
- [rbff2] Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (p1|v3|v4)
- [ridhero] Riding Hero (m1|p1|s1)
- [roboarmy] Robo Army (m1)
- [samsho] Samurai Shodown (c5|c6|p1|p2)
- [shocktro] Shock Troopers (c1~c8|p1|p2)
- [socbrawl] Soccer Brawl (m1|s1)
- [sonicwi2] Aero Fighters 2 (v2)
- [sonicwi3] Aero Fighters 3 (v2)
- [spinmast] Spin Master (p2)
- [strhoop] Street Hoop (m1)
- [superspy] The Super Spy (m1|v12|v21)
- [tpgolf] Top Player’s Golf (c3|c4|m1)
- [tws96] Tecmo World Soccer ‘96 (m1)
- [viewpoin] Viewpoint (m1|s1)
- [wh1] World Heroes (p1|p2)
- [wh2j] World Heroes 2 Jet (c1~c4)
- [samsho5] Samurai Shodown V (m1)
- [mslug4] Metal Slug 4 (m1)
- [mslug5] Metal Slug 5 (c1~c4|m1|v1)
- [mslug5-5a] Metal Slug 5 Plus (p2|p3)
- [mslugx] Metal Slug X (p1)
- [kof2003] The King of Fighters 2003 (m1|s1)
- [kofse2k4] The King of Fighters Special 2004 (v1|v2)
- [kof10th] The King of Fighters 10th (c1~c16)
- [kf10thep] The King of Fighters 10th Extra + (c1~c16|m1|p1~p3|v1|v2)
- [kof10th-5a] The King of Fighters 10th Unique (p1|p2)
Note: Some ROMS were renamed. Please check your ROMsets using
RomCenter or ClrMamePro
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莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
All Comments

By Daniel
at 2009-03-11T01:10
at 2009-03-11T01:10

By Mia
at 2009-03-14T16:57
at 2009-03-14T16:57
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