[NDS] Brothers in Arms DS video review - 任天堂

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-06-21T10:52

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※ 引述《AgentWu (梵蘭特邊境)》之銘言:
: Brothers in Arms DS video review
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMifCwCMGWw
: 畫面不差且很流暢, 看起來內容挺豐富的



On the PC and consoles, the Brothers in Arms games have carved out their
niche among WWII-based titles with a blend of shooter action and tactical
squad command. The second part of that tandem gave some cause for optimism
about the potential for a DS game; a handheld version wouldn't be expected to
be able to handle the intricacies of doing both aspects, if for no other
reason than the complex controls. Surely, of the two parts, the squad-command
element best lends itself to the DS, right?

Apparently not to Gameloft, which instead developed Brothers in Arms: DS as
an over-the-shoulder third-person shooter -- a direction that puts the game
in a hole before it even begins. One of the very first things people judge
shooters on is their graphics, and with good cause: Besides making things
pretty to look at, visual fidelity significantly impacts your ability to aim
and move around without running into barriers.

But standout graphics on a handheld are the PSP's forte, while the
best-looking DS games rely on more stylized visuals. For Brothers in Arms:
DS, that weakness proves particularly troublesome. Picking out enemies in the
environment can be a real chore, and that difficulty increases exponentially
when you need to aim accurately. Trying to score an important headshot often
boils down to lining up on one or two minuscule dots on the screen.

While graphical polish would've gone a long way, the frustrating controls are
beyond repair. Never mind that you must contort your hand around to hold the
DS, get your thumb on the directional pad, and keep your finger loose on the
left shoulder button to use it as a trigger; the touch-screen aiming system
alone all but dooms the setup. If you imagine the DS opened in front of you
like a laptop computer, it amounts to using the touch screen and stylus as
your mouse, with all of the action taking place on the top screen. With the
plastic tip of the stylus sliding around the touch screen, there's just no
way to aim accurately enough. And forget about playing this game anywhere on
the go; to have any chance at all, you need to be someplace where you can sit
down and remain steady.

Those brave enough to soldier through these trials receive very little in
reward. While Brothers in Arms: DS isn't technically an on-rails shooter, it
might as well be. For the on-foot sections, you're herded through completely
hemmed-in levels. The cover mechanic of the game's bigger brothers that lets
you press up against walls or hunker down behind them and pop out for shots
works well enough, but it really emphasizes that linear feel of simply moving
from one firing position to the next. Vehicle combat adds some variety, and
bounding around in the jeep makes for some of the game's best moments, but
the cramped maneuvering room really rears its head in a couple of places with
the tank.

These fundamental flaws also prevent multiplayer from coming to the rescue.
Your DS itself might be in more danger than your virtual soldier during
deathmatch or team deathmatch as you furiously scratch the stylus across the
screen in order to catch enemies that have gotten in behind you, trying in
vain to make up for the infuriatingly slow turning rate.

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All Comments

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2007-06-25T20:51
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2007-06-26T13:05
話說這些專家 是以那些號稱HD畫面的來評嗎~ 明明就是很不錯
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-06-30T01:05
玩過的人覺得如何??看影片感覺是挺棒的阿, 怎會評成垃圾
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-07-01T13:08
如果你玩過手機板的,畫面等級幾乎一樣。 XD

日本週間 (6/11~6/17) 硬軟體銷量速報

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2007-06-21T10:32
eg榜單 http://eg.nttpub.co.jp/ranking.html 本週 累計 No.1 眼力鍛鍊 ...

[Wii] No More Heroes 雜誌掃圖

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-06-21T09:11
我上次自己說如果是英文我就翻的XD ※ 引述《NightB1ade (夜遊神)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《NightB1ade (夜遊神)》之銘言: : : http://gonintendo.com/wp-content/uploads/ : : 2007/06/53241520070620_121310_ ...

[Wii] No More Heroes 雜誌掃圖

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-06-21T07:09
※ 引述《NightB1ade (夜遊神)》之銘言: : http://gonintendo.com/wp-content/uploads/ : 2007/06/53241520070620_121310_0_big.jpg No More Heroes details http://www.1up.co ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2007-06-20T23:26
這是由一位上班族在加班之餘仍不眠不休測試後為您獻上的XD~~~~ NDS薩爾達~夢幻的砂時計心得 法米通的評分高達39分,雖然以薩爾達系列的威名,加上此作品為NDS上第一塊薩爾達作 品,歷經好些日子的籌備,是不是應該給予40分的滿分才算公平,在大部分玩家徹底享受 本遊戲樂趣之前,仍然是見仁見 ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2007-06-20T23:19
來源:FAMI通 http://0rz.tw/b72Li 忍之閻魔帳 http://ameblo.jp/sinobi 1.NDS DS眼力訓練 2.360 信賴玲音~蕭邦之夢 3.PS3 忍者外傳Σ 4.Wii Wii Sports 5.NDS 強化成人腦力訓練 6.DS英語能力強化 ...